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_break_ - field in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsCell

A keypress model which is received from the client.

Note The the key model is available for the following grid events only ON_GRID_CELL_CLICK and ON_GRID_CELL_DOUBLE_CLICK. In all other cases , it will be null()


AccentedSort! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to specify that the sort should take into account accented characters, if this feature is turned on the sort will perform slower.

add(BBjString column!, BBjString sorting!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientSortModel

Add new column sorting to the model

add(DataRow row!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

Add new row

add(BBjString language$, BBjString path$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLanguageManager

Add Language File This method can be used for new languages, or to overrule the default translation file that is shipped with the grid plugin

Add! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

An array of rows to add

addAlignedGrid(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Align the current grid with the passed one

Aligning two or more grids means columns will be kept aligned in all grids. In other words, column changes to one grid (column width, column order, column visibility etc) are reflected in the other grid. This is useful if you have two grids, one above the other such that their columns are vertically aligned, and you want to keep the columns aligned.

addChartToolbarItem(BBjString item!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Enable a chart toolbar item


addColumn(GxColumn definition!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjNumber type!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!, BBjNumber type!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new column definition


addColumn(GxColumn definition!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjNumber type!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!, BBjNumber type!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Add new column definition


addColumn(GxColumn definition!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjNumber type!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!, BBjNumber type!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Add new column definition


addColumn(GxColumn definition!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjNumber type!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!, BBjNumber type!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Add new column definition


addColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Add new column definition


addColumnGroup(GxColumnGroup definition!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!, BBjVector columns!, BBjNumber marryChildren!, BBjString headerClass! ) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!, BBjVector columns!, BBjNumber marryChildren!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Group Vector of Columns


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!, BBjVector columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Group Vector of Columns


addColumnGroup(GxColumnGroup definition!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Add column group


addColumnGroup(GxColumnGroup definition!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Add column group


addColumnGroup(GxColumnGroup definition!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Add column group


addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Add column group


addComponent(GxStatusBarComponentInterface component!) - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBar

Add statusbar component

AddIndex! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

Index for rows to add

addItem(BBjString label!, BBjString value!, BBjString group!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

add a new suggestion item

addItem(BBjString label!, BBjString value!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

Add a new suggestion item

addItem(BBjString label!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

Add a new suggestion item

addItem(GxContextMenuItemInterface item!) - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenu

Add new context menu item

addItem(BBjString item!) - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenu

Add a predefined context menu item

addPivotColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Enable pivot for columns


addRangeChart(GxClientAddRangeChartModel model!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Clear already created charts. Note that this method does not clear user created charts


addRangeSelection(GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel model!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new range selection


addRangeSelection(BBjString columns!, BBjString start!, BBjString end!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new range selection


addRangeSelection(BBjString columns!, BBjNumber start!, BBjNumber end!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new range selection


addRangeSelection(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new range selection


addRow(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new row


addRow(DataRow row!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add new row at the beginning of the grid


addRowGroupColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Enable row grouping for columns


addStyle(BBjString selector$, JsonObject rules! ) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add Style block


addStyle(BBjString selector$, BBjString rules! ) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Add Style block


addValueColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Enable value for columns


AggFunc! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Name of function to use for aggregation. One of [sum, min, max, first, last].


AggFuncs! - field in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarAggregationComponent

agg functions to show on the panel. possible values are: 'count', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg'

Aggregate! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

When set to true, series values will be summed for each category before charting.

Alignment! - field in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarComponent

The component alignment

AllowCustomValues! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

When true , then input values which are not part of the suggestion list will be accepted , rejected otherwise

AllowedAggFuncs! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Aggregation functions allowed on this column eg ['sum', 'avg'].


AllowInput! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

When true then accepts direct user's input from the input field.

AlwaysShowVerticalScroll! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to always show the vertical scrollbar.

AnimateRows! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to enable Row Animation.

apply(BBjNumber send!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Apply the filter

This method will only compose the model and send it to the client in case send! is true. On the client the new model will be displayed on the filter panel but it will not be applied on the data. To execute the model on the client you need to call execute(1)

apply() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Apply the filter

This method only compose the model and send it to the client On the client the new model will be displayed on the filter panel but it will not be applied on the data. To execute the model on the client you need to call execute(1)

apply(BBjNumber send!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterAbstractModel

Apply the filter

This method only compose the model and send it to the client On the client the new model will be displayed on the filter panel but it will not be applied on the data. To execute the model on the client you need to call execute(1)

apply() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterAbstractModel

Apply the filter

This method only compose the model and send it to the client On the client the new model will be displayed on the filter panel but it will not be applied on the data. To execute the model on the client you need to call execute(1)

ApplyButton! - field in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

Set to true to have the filter use an Apply button. If the Apply button is present, then the filter is only applied after the user hits the Apply button.

ApplyButton! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean

Set to true to have the filter use an Apply button. If the Apply button is present, then the filter is only applied after the user hits the Apply button.

ApplyButton! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

Set to true to have the filter use an Apply button. If the Apply button is present, then the filter is only applied after the user hits the Apply button.

ApplyMiniFilterWhileTyping! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

Set to true to apply the Set Filter immediately when the user is typing in the Mini Filter. Default: false

asDataRow() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

Convert the client row to a DataRow

asyncExecute(BBjString script!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

Executes the specified JavaScript in this BBjHtmlView control and returns immediately

AUTO_SIZE_ALL() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

AutoGroupColumnDefinition! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Allows specifying the group 'auto column' if you are not happy with the default. If grouping, this column def is included as the first column definition in the grid. If not grouping, this column is not included.

AutoHeight! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true to have the grid calculate height of row based on contents of this column.


autoSizeColumns(HashSet columns!, BBjNumber skipHeader!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.

Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.


autoSizeColumns(HashSet columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.

Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.


autoSizeColumns(BBjString columns!, BBjNumber skipHeader!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.

Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.


autoSizeColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.

Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.


autoSizeColumns(BBjNumber skipHeader!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.

Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.


autoSizeColumns() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.

Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.


AutoSizePadding! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

How many pixels to add to a column width after the auto-sizing calculation. The default is 4 pixels. Set this if you want to add extra room to accommodate (for example) sort icons, or some other dynamic nature of the header.


BBjGridExWidget - class in BBjGridExWidget

The Grid Core Class.This class works as a columns manager and api provider. It contains a big number of methods and properties to configure the column from A..Z. Every property and method has one or more tag attached.

The following is the meaning for each tag :

 Enterprise The property/method is used only with the enterprise version. using it without having a valid license will
be ignored.
 Configuration Properties and methods which are tagged with this tag are used to configure the grid before it is rendered on the client.
Changing these properties or calling these methods won't affect the grid which is displayed on the client.
In order to reflect your changes on the client, you need to re-render the whole grid
or re-render the column definition once again.
 API Methods/properties tagged with this tag can be called before or after the grid is rendered on the client and they don't require a refresh.
 ColumnsRenderer Changing this property or calling this method after the first render require columns re-render using updateColumns() method
 GridRenderer Changing this property or calling this method after the first render require full re-render using render() method

BBjGridExWidget() - constructor in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

disabled default constructor

BBjGridExWidget(BBjChildWindow wnd!) - constructor in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

The constructor that creates the widget in the ChildWindow

BBjGridExWidget(BBjChildWindow wnd!, BBjString template$) - constructor in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

The constructor that creates the widget in the ChildWindow

BBjGridExWidget(BBjWindow wnd!, BBjNumber id!, BBjNumber x!, BBjNumber y!, BBjNumber w!, BBjNumber h!) - constructor in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

The constructor that creates the widget on wnd!

BBjGridExWidget(BBjWindow wnd!, BBjNumber id!, BBjNumber x!, BBjNumber y!, BBjNumber w!, BBjNumber h! , BBjString template$) - constructor in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

The constructor that creates the widget on wnd!

buildColumnsFromResultSet(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber addAll!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Build the column definitions from the passed ResultSet


CaseSensitive! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterText

Set to true to make text filtering case sensitive, otherwise the filtering will be case insensitive

Cell! - field in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsContextMenu

The current cell where the context menu is triggered

CellClass! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

CSS class(es) to use for the cell.


CellClassRules! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Rules which can be applied to include certain CSS classes. These rules are provided as a map where the keys are the class names and the values are expressions that if evaluated to true, the class gets used. An expression is evaluated by the grid by executing the string as if it were a Javascript expression.


The expression has the following attributes available to it.

 x  Mapped from cell value
 rowIndex  Maps the current row index
 data  Mapped from the DataRow
 ctx  The grid client context

CellEditor! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

CellEditor to use for this column


CellRenderer! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorRichSelect

Provide a cell renderer for each value

CellRenderer! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A cellRenderer to use for this column


CellRenderer! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

Provide a cell renderer for each value

CellStyle! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A map of css values.


CHART_RANGE() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

CHART_TOOLBAR_DATA() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines that chart toolbar data item

CHART_TOOLBAR_DOWNLOAD() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines that chart toolbar download item

CHART_TOOLBAR_FORMAT() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines that chart toolbar format item

CHART_TOOLBAR_SETTINGS() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines that chart toolbar settings item

CHART_TYPE_CATEGORY() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A constant which defines column chart category

CHART_TYPE_EXCLUDED() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A constant which defines column chart excluded, columns which set chart type to excluded will be excluded from charts

CHART_TYPE_SERIES() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A constant which defines column chart series

ChartType! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Defines the chart data type that should be used for a column. There are two types of charting ranges; a category range that is highlighted in green and a series range that is highlighted in blue. A category range can only contain cells from a single column, whereas a series range can contain values from many columns. Columns can be explicitly configured or left for the grid to infer the type based on the data contained in the cells where columns containing string values will map to 'categories' and columns containing number values will map to 'series' charting columns.


Checkbox! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

When true enable checkbox selection, disable otherwise

CheckboxSelection! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true to render a selection checkbox in the column.


ChildIndex! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

The row child index. if the childIndex is -1 then the row is pinned to top or bottom

ClearButton! - field in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

Set to true to have the filter use a Clear button. The Clear button will clear the details of the filter thus resetting it.

ClearButton! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean

Set to true to have the filter use a Clear button. The Clear button will clear the details of the filter thus resetting it.

ClearButton! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

Set to true to have the filter use a Clear button. The Clear button will clear the details of the filter thus resetting it.

clearCallback(int type!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Remove callback

clearChart(BBjString id!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Clear already created chart by its id

#API Note that this method does not clear user created charts

clearChart() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Clear already created charts. Note that this method does not clear user created charts


clearColumnDefinitions() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Alias for resetAllColumns()


clearData() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Clear row data (Empty the grid )


clearFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Clear the filter

clearFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterAbstractModel

Clear the filter

clearFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

Clear the filter

clearFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSimpleModel

Clear the filter

clearFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterTextModel

Clear the filter

clearFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

Clear the filter

clearFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

Clear the filter

clearFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterBooleanModel

Clear the filter

clearFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Clear the filter

clearFilters() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Clear all active filters on columns


clearRangeSelection() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Clears the selected range.


clearRowsData() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Clear row data (Empty the grid )


ClientContext! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

A json object which is used as context to configure the grid and it various components on the client

ClientRow! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

The client row data as JsonObject.

closeToolpanel(BBjString id!) - method in class GxSidebar.GxSidebar

Close toolpanel

Close the given toolpanel

Code! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientKeypressModel

A DOMString with the code value of the physical key represented by the event.

collapseAll() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

collapse all groups


Cols! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorLargeText

Number of character columns to display. Default is 60.

Column! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

The column model

Column! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientCellModel

The cell's column

Column! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterAbstractModel

The working column

COLUMN_GROUP_CLOSED() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

A constant which defines the group state as opened

COLUMN_GROUP_CLOSED() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A constant which defines the group state as opened

COLUMN_GROUP_OPENED() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

A constant which defines the group state as opened

COLUMN_GROUP_OPENED() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A constant which defines the group state as opened

ColumnGroupShow! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

Whether to show the column when the group is open / closed.


ColumnHoverHighlight! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to highlight columns by adding the ag-column-hover CSS class.

Columns! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientRangeSelectionModel

An array of column objects where every object is instance of GxClientColumnModel

Columns! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel

A list of column ids to use. Note that none existing columns will be ignored silently

Columns! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Column & column groups definitions map

ColumnsDefinition! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

The column definitions map

ColumnsGroupsDefinition! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

The column groups definitions map

ColumnsManager! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Columns Manager instance

ColumnSpanExpression! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A grid expression which can be executed to perform column spanning.

The expression must return the number of columns to span , if no spanning should be applied , then return 1 instead (ex: "data.Section === 'quarters'")

By default, each cell will take up the width of one column. You can change this behaviour to allow cells to span multiple columns. This feature is similar to 'cell merging' in Excel or 'column spanning' in HTML tables.

Constraints with Column Spanning :

Column Spanning breaks out of the row / cell calculations that a lot of features in the grid are based on. If using Column Spanning, be aware of the following:

  1. Range Selection will not work correctly when spanning cells. This is because it is not possible to cover all scenarios, as a range is no longer a perfect rectangle.


compare(GxCellEditorInterface one!, GxCellEditorInterface two!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorComparator

Compare two cell editors

compare(GxFilterInterface one!, GxFilterInterface two!) - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterComparator

Compare two filters

compare(GxRendererInterface one!, GxRendererInterface two!) - method in class GxRenderers.GxCellRendererComparator

Compare two cell renderers

CONTAINS() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterTextFilterOptions

ContextMenu! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The grid context menu

CONTRACT_ALL() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

ContractColumnSelection! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

By default, column groups start expanded. Pass true to default to contracted groups

COPY() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

COPY_WITH_GROUP_HEADERS() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

COPY_WITH_HEADERS() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

createItem(BBjString label!, BBjString value!, BBjString group!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

Create a new suggestion item

createItem(BBjString label!, BBjString value!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

Create a new suggestion item

createItem(BBjString label!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

Create a new suggestion item

CssClasses! - field in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Additional CSS classes to be applied to the menu item

CSV_EXPORT() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem


DataPathTemplate! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

A string template which will be compiled on the client to return an array for the tree hierarchy.


DebounceMs! - field in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

The number of milliseconds to debounce by before applying the filter

Debug! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

When true the grid will use the unmingled version of the Javascript code then open the debugger in a new window.

Decimals! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionBytesFormatter

Number of decimal to use when parsing the size. default is 2

DecimalSeparator! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicNumber

The number's decimal separator to use. by default the bbj decimal separator will be used

DecimalSeparator! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

The number's decimal separator to use. by default the bbj decimal separator will be used

DefaultColumnDefinition! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Contains column properties all columns will inherit.

DefaultColumnGroupDefinition! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Contains column group properties all column groups will inherit.

DefaultDatesMask! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

The default dates mask to use. by default %Dz.%Mz.%Yd

DefaultHour! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Initial value of the hour element.

DefaultMinute! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Initial value of the minute element.

DefaultNumbersMask! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

The default numbers mask to use. by default null()

DefaultOption! - field in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

The default Filter Options to be selected. By default it is Equals

DefaultOption! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

The default Filter Options to be selected. By default it is Equals

DefaultStringsMask! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

The default strings mask to use. by default null()

DefaultTimesMask! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

The default dates mask to use. by default %Dz.%Hz:%mz:%sz

DefaultTimestampsMask! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

The default timestamps mask to use. by default %Dz.%Mz.%Yl %Hz:%mz:%sz

DefaultToNothingSelected! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

Set this to true to instead show all values as de-selected by default. Default: false

DefaultToolpanel$ - field in class GxSidebar.GxSidebar

The id of the default panel

DeltaColumnMode! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

By default when new columns are loaded into the grid, the following properties (Order, Aggregation Function, Width, Pivot, Row Group, Pinned ) are not used

To change this behaviour and have column attributes above take effect each time the grid updates the columns, then set this option to true


deselectAll() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

deselect all rows


deselectAll(BBjNumber x!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

deselect all rows


destroy() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Destroy the grid

DisableMobile! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Set disableMobile to true to always use the non-native picker.


Editable! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true if the column is editable, otherwise false.


EditableExpression! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

An expression which determines whether the column is editable or not. when this config is different than null , then the column configuration Editable will be ignored

EditType! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to 'fullRow' to enable Full Row Editing. Otherwise leave blank to edit one cell at a time.

EmptyMessage! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

The message that will be showed when there are no suggestions that match the entered value.

Enable24HR! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Enable / disable time 24 format.

EnableBrowserTooltips! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to use the browser's default tooltip instead of using Ag-Grid's Tooltip Component.

EnableCalendar! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Enable / disable Calendar input.

EnableCharts! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to enable charting


EnableFilter! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

When true the filter is enabled, disabled otherwise


EnableFloatingFilter! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true enables the floating filters, disable otherwise


EnablePivot! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true if you want to be able to pivot by this column via the UI.


EnableRangeSelection! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to enable Range Selection


EnableRowGroup! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true if you want to be able to row group by this column via the UI.


EnableRtl! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to operate grid in RTL (Right to Left) mode.

EnableSeconds! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Enable / disable seconds selection

EnableTime! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Enable / disable time selection

EnableValue! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true if you want to be able to aggregate by this column via the UI.


EnableWeekNumber! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Enables display of week numbers in calendar.

End! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel

End row id or index

ENDS_WITH() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterTextFilterOptions

ensureColumnVisible(BBjString columnId!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Ensures the column is visible, scrolling the table if needed.


ensureIndexVisible(BBjString key!, BBjString position!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Ensures the row key is visible by vertically scrolling the grid

Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid. The valid values for positions are {'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}. If top, middle or bottom, the grid will scroll the row to place the row at top, middle or bottom


ensureIndexVisible(BBjNumber index!, BBjString position!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid

Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid. The valid values for positions are {'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}. If top, middle or bottom, the grid will scroll the row to place the row at top, middle or bottom


EnterMovesDown! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to have Enter key move focus to the cell below if not editing. The default is Enter key starts editing the currently focused cell.

EnterMovesDownAfterEdit! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to have Enter key move focus to the cell below after Enter is pressed while editing. The default is editing will stop and focus will remain on the editing cell.

EQUALS() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterTextFilterOptions

EQUALS() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterDateTimeFilterOptions

equals(GxCellEditorInterface cellEditor!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorInterface

Compare two filters

equals(GxCellEditorInterface cellEditor!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorAbstract

Compare two filters

equals(GxCellEditorInterface cellEditor!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBoolean

Compare two filters

equals(GxCellEditorInterface cellEditor!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicDateTime

Compare two filters

equals(GxExpressionInterface expression!) - method in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionInterface

Compare two expressions

equals(GxExpressionInterface expression!) - method in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionAbstract

Compare two expressions

equals(GxFilterInterface filter!) - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterInterface

Compare two filters

equals(GxFilterInterface filter!) - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

Compare two filters

equals(GxFilterInterface filter!) - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean

Compare two filters

equals(GxFilterInterface filter!) - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

Compare two filters

equals(GxRendererInterface cellRenderer!) - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererInterface

Compare two cell renderers

equals(GxRendererInterface cellRenderer!) - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererAbstract

Compare two cell renderers

equals(GxRendererInterface cellRenderer!) - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererBoolean

Compare two cell renderers

EXCEL_EXPORT() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

execute() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

Execute the transaction on the widget model (ResultSet)

execute(BBjNumber send!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Tell the grid to refresh rows based on the filter. the filter does not do this automatically in case multiple filters are going to get set.

execute() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Tell the grid to refresh rows based on the filter. the filter does not do this automatically in case multiple filters are going to get set.

execute(BBjNumber send!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterAbstractModel

Tell the grid to refresh rows based on the filter. the filter does not do this automatically in case multiple filters are going to get set.

execute() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterAbstractModel

Tell the grid to refresh rows based on the filter. the filter does not do this automatically in case multiple filters are going to get set.

execute(BBjNumber send!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Tell the grid to refresh rows based on the filter. the filter does not do this automatically in case multiple filters are going to get set.

execute(BBjString key!, BBjString script!, BBjNumber debounced!, BBjNumber priority!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

Execute a Javascript code on the client

execute(BBjString script!, BBjNumber debounced!, BBjNumber priority!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

Execute a Javascript code on the client and use the script itself as a key

execute(BBjString key!, BBjString script!, BBjNumber debounced!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

Execute a Javascript code on the client with an auto calculated priority

execute(BBjString script!, BBjNumber debounced!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

Execute a Javascript code on the client , use the script itself as a key and auto calculate priority

execute(BBjString key!, BBjString script!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

Execute and debounce a Javascript code on the client and auto calculate priority

execute(BBjString script!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

Execute and debounce a Javascript code on the client , use the script itself as a key and auto calculate priority

executeFilterTransaction(LinkedHashMap transaction!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set and apply a filter transaction

The transaction is a LinkedHashMap of columns and their models. This the fastest way to apply several filters on several columns. When using this method The grid will delay executing the filters on the data until all models are set and ready.


executeScript(BBjString script$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Execute a javascript code on the client.

Note that if the grid is not ready yet , then script will queued until the grid is ready then send to the client. If some reason you do not want this behavior , then use the executeScript method from the created internal HTML View

executeUpdateTransaction(GxClientTransactionModel transaction!, BBjNumber batchUpdate!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Execute a bulk update on the grid

The transaction method is to pass a transaction object to the grid containing rows to add, remove and update.

The grid keeps all active sorting, grouping and filtering, including updating to reflect the changes in the data should the sorting, grouping or filtering be impacted.

Updating using transactions is the best way to do large updates to the grid, as the grid treats them as delta changes, so the grid only refreshes what is needed giving a performance boost.

All row and range selection will be kept.

Note that all update done on the grid will reflected also on the ResultSet instance which is the grid is using.


executeUpdateTransaction(GxClientTransactionModel transaction!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Execute a bulk update on the grid

The transaction method is to pass a transaction object to the grid containing rows to add, remove and update.

The grid keeps all active sorting, grouping and filtering, including updating to reflect the changes in the data should the sorting, grouping or filtering be impacted.

Updating using transactions is the best way to do large updates to the grid, as the grid treats them as delta changes, so the grid only refreshes what is needed giving a performance boost.

All row and range selection will be kept.

Note that all update done on the grid will reflected also on the ResultSet instance which is the grid is using.


Executor! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Instance of he scripts executor

EXPAND_ALL() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

expandAll() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Expand all groups


EXPORT() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Expression! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpression

Expression string


FalseValue! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean

False value translation

FalseValue! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererBoolean

The value to use when when the component needs to render false values. in case it is null() then we use the first item in PossibleFalseValues!

Field! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumn

The field of the row to get the cells data from
Note: Once the field name is set, it becomes immutable

Filter! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterTextModel

The value associated with the filter.

Filter! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

The value associated with the filter.

Filter! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

The value associated with the filter.

Filter! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterBooleanModel

The value associated with the filter.

Filter! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

The filter component to use for this column


FilterOptions! - field in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

What Filter Options to present to the user. By default all supported options are presented

FilterOptions! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

What Filter Options to present to the user. By default all supported options are presented

FilterTo! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

In case you are using range filter , then this is the second input value

FilterTo! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

In case you are using range filter , then this is the second input value

FilterValueGetterExpression! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

An Ag Grid expression which can be executed to get the value for filtering purposes.


FirstCondition! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

The first filter condition

Floating! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

The row pin position (top , bottom , null)

FloatingFilter! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

When true enable the floating filter on this column , false otherwise


FloatingFiltersHeight! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The height for the row containing the floating filters. If not specified the default is 20px.

flush() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

Iterate over the enqueued scripts and execute them on the HTML View.

The gird should call this method once when it is ready to kick in the execution process. Normally this done after the ON_PAGE_LOADED event is fired.

The executor then will keep flushing itself whenever it is needed.

focus(BBjString row!, BBjString column!, BBjString floating!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the focus on the given row id and the given column


focus(BBjString row!, BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the focus on the given row id and the given column


focus(BBjString row!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the focus on the given row id and the first column


focus(BBjNumber row!, BBjString column!, BBjString floating!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the focus on the given row id and the given column


focus(BBjNumber row!, BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the focus on the given row id and the given column


focus(BBjNumber row!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the focus on the given row id and the first column


focus() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Will set the focus on the first cell of the first row. In case the grid has already a different selected cell , the the method will retain this information.


FooterValueGetterExpression! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

Provide a footer value getter expression

ForceCommunityBuild! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

When true, the grid will force using the community version of the grid whether there is a license key or not.

ForceTrailingZeros - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicNumber

Affects the output by switching the way a mask with "#" characters in the trailing positions is filled. for example, the function NumberMask.mask(.10:"#.##") returns .10 instead of .1 . The options is used only when numberMask is defined

FormatterExpression! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

A valid expression which validates the datetime

FunctionsReadOnly! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, then row group, pivot and value aggregation will be read only from the UI. The grid will display what values are used for each, but will not allow the use to change the selection


get(BBjString column!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientSortModel

Get sorting for the given column

getAlignment() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarComponentInterface

Get the component alignment

getAllowInput() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

getAsJsonArray() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientSortModel

Convert the model to JSON array

getAsJsonObject() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Build the grid json configuration object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorInterface

Convert the filter definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorText



getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorLargeText



getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSelect

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorRichSelect

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBoolean

Convert the filter definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicNumber



getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicText



getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion



getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

Get the row data as JsonObject

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel

Convert the model to JSON object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Convert the model to JSON object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Convert the model to JSON object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSimpleModel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterTextModel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterBooleanModel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

Convert the definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Convert the definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumn

Convert the definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnGroup

Convert the definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Convert the definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterInterface

Convert the filter definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

Convert the filter definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterText

Convert the filter definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterNumber

Convert the filter definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

Convert the filter definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean


getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

Convert the filter definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptionsBoolean

Transform the options object to json

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Transform the options object to json

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Build the grid json configuration object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererInterface

Convert the renderer definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererBoolean

Convert the renderer definition to Json Object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererCustomHTML

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererImageRenderer

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxSidebar.GxToolpanelInterface

Get a json representation for the toolpanel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxSidebar.GxToolpanel

Get a json representation for the toolpanel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

Get a json representation for the toolpanel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxSidebar.GxFiltersToolpanel

Get a json representation for the toolpanel

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxSidebar.GxSidebar

Convert the sidebar into json object

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarComponentInterface

Get the component's JSON representation

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarComponent

Get the component's JSON representation

getAsJsonObject() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarAggregationComponent

Get the component's JSON representation

getCell(JsonObject json!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Map a JSON object to GxClientCellModel

getCell(BBjString json!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Map a JSON string to GxClientCellModel

getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorInterface

A constant which holds the client cell editor real name

getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorText



getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorPopupText



getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorLargeText



getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSelect

getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorPopupSelect

getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorRichSelect

getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBoolean

A constant which holds the client cell editor real name

getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicNumber



getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicText



getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicDateTime

A constant which holds the client cell editor real name

getCellEditorName() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion



getCellRendererName() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererInterface

A constant which holds the client renderer real name

getCellRendererName() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererBoolean

A constant which holds the client renderer real name

getCellRendererName() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererCustomHTML

getCellRendererName() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererImageRenderer

getCellRendererName() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

getClientContext() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the grid's client context

getClientJsonFactory() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get instance of GxClientJsonFactory

getColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the column definition instance


getColumn() - method in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsContextMenu

Get the cell's column

getColumn(BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Map column name to GxClientColumnModel

getColumn() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Get the working column

getColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Get the column definition instance


getColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Get the column definition instance


getColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Get the column definition instance


getColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the column group definition instance


getColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Get the column group definition instance


getColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Get the column group definition instance


getColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Get the column group definition instance


getColumnState() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the grid's columns , sorting and filtering state


getComponent(BBjString id!) - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBar

Get statusbar component

getContextMenu() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the grid default context menu

getControlType() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the unique control type

getData() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

Alias for getAsJsonObject()

getDefaultDatesMask() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

getDefaultNumbersMask() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

getDefaultStringsMask() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

getDefaultTimesMask() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

getDefaultTimestampsMask() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

getDeltaColumnMode() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Get DeltaColumn Mode value

getDeltaColumnMode() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Get DeltaColumn Mode value

getFilter(JsonObject json!, BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Parse a filter conditions (single or combined) and return a filter model

getFilter(BBjString json!, BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Parse a filter conditions (single or combined) and return a filter model

getFilterAsCombinedModel(BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get The combined filter model for the given column

This method will return a GxClientFilterCombinedModel for the given column If the column has already some filter values set through the UI , then the model will contain these changes too.

In case the grid is not ready (not renderer yet) then the method will just return any empty combined filter model for the column.


getFilterCondition(JsonObject json!, BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Parse a filter condition and return a filter model

getFilterModel(BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get The filter model for the given column

This method will return a GxClientFilterModel for the given column If column has already some filter values set through the UI , then the model will contain these changes too.

In case the grid is not ready (not renderer yet) then the method will just return any empty filter model for the column.


getFilterName() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterInterface

A constant which holds the client filter real name

getFilterName() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterText

getFilterName() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterNumber

getFilterName() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterDate

getFilterName() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

getFilterName() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean


getFilterName() - method in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

A constant which holds the client filter real name

getHeaderGroupTooltip() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnGroup

Get the tooltip for the column group header

getId() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

Get the editor unique id

getId() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItemInterface

Get the menu item ID

getId() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Get the menu item ID

getId() - method in class GxSidebar.GxToolpanelInterface

Get the toolbar unique name

getId() - method in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

getId() - method in class GxSidebar.GxFiltersToolpanel

getId() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarComponentInterface

Get the component id

getId() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarSelectedRowCountComponent

getId() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarFilteredRowCountComponent

getId() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarTotalAndFilteredRowCountComponent

getId() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarTotalRowCountComponent

getId() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarAggregationComponent

getImageData(BBjString filename!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Alias for imageToBase64()

getIndex() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientColumnModel

Get the column index

Returns the index of the column with the specified name.

getInstanceCount() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Return the number of initiated instances of the grid

getKeypress(JsonObject json!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Map a JSON object to GxClientKeypressModel

getLanguage() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLanguageManager

Get the selected language

getLanguageKeys() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLanguageManager

Get the language keys

Get the translation keys as JSON string

getLanguageKeys(BBjString language$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLanguageManager

Get the language keys

Get the translation keys as JSON string

getLanguageManager() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the language manager instance

getMask() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Get the column mask

getMetaData() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientColumnModel

Get the column type

Returns the metadata of the column.

getMiniFilter() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Get the mini filter value.

Note that if the grid is not ready , then this method will always return an empty string even if you have called setMiniFilter before.


getName() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientColumnModel

Get the column name

getPinnedBottomRows() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the pinned bottom rows as defined in the grid options

getPinnedBottomRowsAsJson() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Get the bottom pinned rows as json String

getPinnedBottomRowsAsJsonArray() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Get the bottom pinned rows as Json Array

getPinnedBottomRowsCount() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the count of pinned rows on bottom

getPinnedTopRows() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the pinned top rows as defined in the grid options

getPinnedTopRowsAsJson() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Get the top pinned rows as json String

getPinnedTopRowsAsJsonArray() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Get the top pinned rows as Json Array

getPinnedTopRowsCount() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the count of pinned rows on top

getPivotMode() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Check if pivot mode is enabled or disabled


getRangeSelection(JsonObject json!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Map a JSON object to GxClientRangeSelectionModel

getRangeSelections() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

The method will return a vector of the selected ranges including columns and rows


getResolver() - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

Get the editor resolver instance

getRootId() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the root id of the grid

The root id is a unique & auto-generated id for the grid instance. This id is used in the client to distinguish the grid instances

getRow(BBjString key!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Returns the row with the given key from the grid.

Note : if you only need to get the row and you don't care about other meta data like parent(when grouping) , isSelected, ... then use the ResultSet API (ex ResultSet.getItem(BBjString key!) )

getRow() - method in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsContextMenu

Get the cell's row

getRow(JsonObject json!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Map a JSON object to GxClientRowModel

getRow(BBjString json!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Map a JSON string to GxClientRowModel

getRowDeselection() _break_ - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

getRows(BBjString phase!, BBjString filterExpression!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the rows from grid in the given phase after applying the given filter expression.

Note: if you only need to get the whole rows from the grid and you don't care about filtering and sorting Then retrieve them from ResultSet as this will be faster especially in BUI

getRows(BBjString phase!, GxExpressionInterface filterExpression!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the rows from grid in the given phase after applying the given filter expression.

Note: if you only need to get the whole rows from the grid and you don't care about filtering and sorting Then retrieve them from ResultSet as this will be faster especially in BUI

getRows(BBjString phase!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the rows from grid in the given phase after applying the given filter expression.

Note: if you only need to get the whole rows from the grid and you don't care about filtering and sorting Then retrieve them from ResultSet as this will be faster especially in BUI

getRows() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the rows from grid after sorting and filtering

getSelectedRow() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the current selected row


getSelectedRowCount() - method in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsRowSelection

Get the number of affected rows by the last event

getSelectedRows() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get Array of selected rows


getSidebar() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the grid sidebar instance

getState() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the grid's columns , sorting and filtering state


getStatusbar() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the grid statusbar instance

getString() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxState

getSuppressBuiDebouncing() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

getThemes() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Get the grid supported themes


getType() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientColumnModel

Get the column type

Returns the value of the ColumnType property from the ResultSet's metadata.

getValue() - method in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsContextMenu

Get the cell value

getVisibleColumns() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxState

getWidget() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Get the widget instance

getWidget() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

Get the widget instance

getWidget() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientColumnModel

Get the widget instance

getWidget() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Get the widget instance

GREATER_THAN() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterDateTimeFilterOptions

GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterNumberFilterOptions

GRID_ALIGN_CENTER() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define centered column

GRID_ALIGN_LEFT() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define left aligned column

GRID_ALIGN_RIGHT() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define right aligned column

GRID_EDITTYPE_CELL() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define editing mode "cell"

GRID_EDITTYPE_ROW() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define editing mode "row"

GRID_ENTER_NEXT_CELL() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define enter key behavior (Move to next cell)

GRID_ENTER_STOP_EDITING() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define enter key behavior (Stop editing)

GRID_FLOATING_BOTTOM() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines the rows floating on bottom

GRID_FLOATING_NONE() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines the rows with no floating

GRID_FLOATING_TOP() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines the rows floating on top

GRID_GROUPPANEL_SHOW_HIDDEN() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines that group panel must always be hidden

GRID_GROUPPANEL_SHOW_ONGROUPING() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines that group panel must be shown only when grouping

GRID_GROUPPANEL_SHOW_VISIBLE() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines that group panel must always be shown

GRID_NAVIGATION_BEHAVIOUR_NEXT_CELL() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define navigation behavior (Move to next cell)

GRID_NAVIGATION_BEHAVIOUR_NEXT_ROW() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define navigation behavior (Move to next row)

GRID_ROWPOS_BOTTOM() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define row position

GRID_ROWPOS_MIDDLE() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define row position

GRID_ROWPOS_TOP() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define row position

GRID_ROWS_PHASE_AFTER_FILTER() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which describes the rows in after filtering phase.

GRID_ROWS_PHASE_AFTER_FILTER_SORT() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which describes the rows in after filtering and sorting phase.

GRID_ROWS_PHASE_ALL() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which describes the rows in before sorting and filtering phase.

GRID_THEME_ALPINE() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines the alpine theme

GRID_THEME_ALPINE_DARK() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines the alpine dark theme

GRID_THEME_BALHAM() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines that balham theme

GRID_THEME_BALHAM_DARK() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines that balham dark theme

GRID_THEME_MATERIAL() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value which defines the material theme

GROUP_DISPLAY_CUSTOM() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Specifies the results of row grouping should be displayed as custom: informs the grid that group columns will be provided.

GROUP_DISPLAY_GROUP_ROWS() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Specifies the results of row grouping should be displayed as group rows: group rows are automatically added instead of group columns.

GROUP_DISPLAY_MULTIPLE_COLUMNS() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Specifies the results of row grouping should be displayed as multiple columns: a group column per row group is added automatically.

GROUP_DISPLAY_SINGLE_COLUMN() - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Specifies the results of row grouping should be displayed as single column: single group column automatically added by the grid.

GroupDefaultExpanded! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If grouping, set to the number of levels to expand by default. Eg 0 for none, 1 first level only, etc. Default is 0 (expand none). Set to -1 for expand everything

GroupDisplayType! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Specifies how the results of row grouping should be displayed.

The options are:

  1. 'GxOptions.GROUP_DISPLAY_SINGLE_COLUMN()': single group column automatically added by the grid.
  2. 'GxOptions.GROUP_DISPLAY_MULTIPLE_COLUMNS()': a group column per row group is added automatically.
  3. 'GxOptions.GROUP_DISPLAY_GROUP_ROWS()': group rows are automatically added instead of group columns.
  4. 'GxOptions.GROUP_DISPLAY_CUSTOM()': informs the grid that group columns will be provided.


GroupHeaderHeight! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The height for the rows containing header column groups. If not specified, it uses headerHeight

GroupHideOpenParents! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to hide parents that are open. When used with multiple columns for showing groups, it can give more pleasing user experience

GroupId! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

The unique ID to give the column.

GroupIncludeFooter! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If grouping, whether to show a group footer when the group is expanded. If true, then by default, the footer will contain aggregate data (if any) when shown and the header will be blank. When closed, the header will contain the aggregate data regardless of this setting (as footer is hidden anyway). This is handy for 'total' rows, that are displayed below the data when the group is open, and alongside the group when it is closed

GroupIncludeTotalFooter! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to show a 'grand' total group footer across all groups.

GroupMultiAutoColumn! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If using auto column, set to true to have each group in its own column separate column, eg if group by Country then Year, two auto columns will be created, one for country and one for year

GroupRemoveLowestSingleChildren! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to collapse lowest level groups that only have one child.

GroupRemoveSingleChildren! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to collapse groups that only have one child.

GroupSelectsChildren! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true, selecting a group will have the impact of selecting all its children When false, then the group is selectable independently of the child nodes.
NoteThat this settings has no effect if MultipleSelection is disabled

GroupSelectsFiltered! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If using groupSelectsChildren, then only the children that pass the current filter will get selected

GroupSeparator! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicNumber

The number's group separator to use. by default the bbj group separator will be used

GroupSeparator! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

The number's group separator to use. by default the bbj group separator will be used

GroupSuppressAutoColumn! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, the grid will not swap in the grouping column when grouping is enabled. Use this if you want complete control on the column displayed and don't want the grids help. In other words, you already have a column in your column definitions that is responsible for displaying the groups

GroupSuppressBlankHeader! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, and showing footer, aggregate data will be displayed at both the header and footer levels always. This stops the possibly undesirable behaviour of the header details 'jumping' to the footer on expand.

GroupSuppressRow! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, the group row won't be displayed and the groups will be expanded by default with no ability to expand / contract the groups. Useful when you want to just 'group' the rows, but not add parent group row to each group

GroupUseEntireRow! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If grouping, set to true or false (default is false). If true, a group row will span all columns across the entire width of the table. If false, the cells will be rendered as normal and you will have the opportunity to include a grouping column (normally the first on the left) to show the group

GxAutoGroupColumn - class in GxColumns

Allows specifying the group 'auto column' if you are not happy with the default. If grouping, this column def is included as the first column definition in the grid. If not grouping, this column is not included.

GxAutoGroupColumn() - constructor in class GxColumns.GxAutoGroupColumn

Construct new instance

GxCellEditorAbstract - class in GxCellEditors

Abstract implementation for GxCellEditorInterface

GxCellEditorBasicBoolean - class in GxCellEditors

Simple switch button to switch boolean values

GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect - class in GxCellEditors

A simple boolean editor based on the GxCellEditorRichSelect.

The editor provides a select box where the user can selected one of the three values (true , false , none)


GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect() - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect(BBjString trueValue!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect(BBjString trueValue!, BBjString falseValue!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect(BBjString trueValue!, BBjString falseValue!, BBjString noneValue!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect - class in GxCellEditors

A simple boolean editor based on the GxCellEditorSelect.

The editor provides a select box where the user can selected one of the three values (true , false , none)

GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect() - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect(BBjString trueValue!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect(BBjString trueValue!, BBjString falseValue!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect(BBjString trueValue!, BBjString falseValue!, BBjString noneValue!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

GxCellEditorBasicDate - class in GxCellEditors

A date cell editor

GxCellEditorBasicDate() - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicDate

Construct a new GxCellEditorBasicDate

GxCellEditorBasicDate(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicDate

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicDate

GxCellEditorBasicDateTime - class in GxCellEditors

A cell editor for timestamps

GxCellEditorBasicDateTime(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicDateTime

Construct new GxFilterBasicDateTime

GxCellEditorBasicNumber - class in GxCellEditors

Simple number input

GxCellEditorBasicText - class in GxCellEditors

Simple text input

GxCellEditorBasicText(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicText

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicText

GxCellEditorBasicTime - class in GxCellEditors

A date cell editor

GxCellEditorBasicTime() - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicTime

Construct a new GxCellEditorBasicTime

GxCellEditorBasicTime(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicTime

Construct new GxCellEditorBasicTime

GxCellEditorBasicTimestamp - class in GxCellEditors

Alias for GxCellEditorBasicDateTime

GxCellEditorBasicTimestamp(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicTimestamp

Construct new GxFilterBasicDateTime

GxCellEditorComparator - class in GxCellEditors

Compare two cell editor components

GxCellEditorInterface - interface in GxCellEditors

Column Filter Public Interface

GxCellEditorLargeText - class in GxCellEditors

Simple editor that uses the standard HTML 'textarea' tag.

GxCellEditorPopupSelect - class in GxCellEditors

Simple editors that use the standard HTML select tag.

It is same as GxCellEditorSelect but as popup.

The standard HTML select to behave oddly in the grid. This is because the browser doesn't have a great API for opening and closing the selected popup.

We advise that you don't use it unless you have to - that is we advise against GxCellEditorPopupSelect as they give poor user experience, especially if using keyboard navigation.

If using Enhanced grid, you should use the provided GxCellEditorRichSelect.


GxCellEditorPopupText - class in GxCellEditors

Same as GxCellEditorText but as popup.

GxCellEditorRichSelect - class in GxCellEditors

Available in Enhanced Grid only. An alternative to using the browser's select popup for dropdown inside the grid.


GxCellEditorSelect - class in GxCellEditors

Simple editors that use the standard HTML select tag.

The standard HTML select to behave oddly in the grid. This is because the browser doesn't have a great API for opening and closing the selected popup.

We advise that you don't use it unless you have to - that is we advise against GxCellEditorSelect as they give poor user experience, especially if using keyboard navigation.

If using Enhanced grid , you should use the provided GxCellEditorRichSelect.

GxCellEditorSuggestion - class in GxCellEditors

A Suggestion/autocomplete cell editor.

The suggestion cell editor is an input which gives the user a list of values (suggestions) to choose from while it types.

The suggestion list can be resolved using a custom object which implements GxCellEditorSuggestionResolverInterface or extends GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver


 use ::BBjGridExWidget/GxCellEditors.bbj::GxCellEditorSuggestion

 editor! = new GxCellEditorSuggestion("ANY_UNIQUE_ID", new CustomResolver())
 editor!.setEmptyMessage("No data to display")

 column! = grid!.getColumn("COLUMN_ID")

GxCellEditorSuggestion(BBjString id!, GxCellEditorSuggestionResolverInterface resolver!) - constructor in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

Construct new GxCellEditorSuggestion

GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver - class in GxCellEditors

An generic implementation of GxCellEditorSuggestionResolverInterface

The class implements the resolve method defined in GxCellEditorSuggestionResolverInterface and exposes some helpers methods like addItem , createItem to help building the suggestion list.

Any Custom object which extends this class must implement the doResolve method which accepts the search term.


 use ::BBjGridExWidget/GxCellEditors.bbj::GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

 class public CustomResolver extends GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

 method public void doResolve(BBjString term!)
 sbc! = new SqlQueryBC(BBjAPI().getJDBCConnection("CDStore"))

 it! = rs!.iterator()
 while it!.hasNext()
 next! = it!.next()
 label! = String.format("[%s] %s", #getColumn().getName(), next!.getFieldAsString("TITLE"))
 value! = next!.getFieldAsString("CDNUMBER")
 group! = next!.getFieldAsString("MUSICTYPE")

 #addItem(label!, value!, group!)

GxCellEditorSuggestionResolverInterface - interface in GxCellEditors

A interface which defines how a suggestion's resolver/builder should build the suggesting lst

GxCellEditorText - class in GxCellEditors

Simple text editors that use the standard HTML 'input' tag

GxCellRendererComparator - class in GxRenderers

Compare two cell renderers components

GxClientAddRangeChartModel - class in GxClientModels

The model is used to compose a range chart model in order to be applied on the client.

GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel - class in GxClientModels

The model is used to compose a range selection model in order to be applied on the client.

Ranges are normally bounded by a start and end row. However it is also possible to define a range unbounded by rows (ie to contain all rows). For an unbounded range, do not provided start or end row positions.

GxClientCellModel - class in GxClientModels

A model for the client cell

GxClientColumnModel - class in GxClientModels

A model for the client column

GxClientColumnModel(BBjGridExWidget widget! , BBjString name!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientColumnModel

Construct new GxClientColumnModel

GxClientEventsCell - class in GxClientEvents

Cell Editing / Clicking Event

GxClientEventsContextMenu - class in GxClientEvents

Context Menu Event

GxClientEventsKeypress - class in GxClientEvents

Keypress event

GxClientEventsRangeSelection - class in GxClientEvents

Cells range selection event

GxClientEventsRowEditing - class in GxClientEvents

Cell Editing / Clicking Event

GxClientEventsRowSelection - class in GxClientEvents

Row Selection Event (single & double)

GxClientFilterAbstractModel - class in GxClientModels

A generic abstract implementation for the GxClientFilterModel interface

GxClientFilterBooleanModel - class in GxClientModels

The filter model represents the state of the boolean filter

GxClientFilterBooleanModel(BBjNumber filter!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterBooleanModel

Construct new GxClientFilterBooleanModel

GxClientFilterCombinedModel - class in GxClientModels

A filter a which wraps two filter models and combine them with an OR or AND operator

GxClientFilterCombinedModel(GxClientFilterModel condition1!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

Construct new GxClientFilterCombinedModel

GxClientFilterCombinedModel(GxClientFilterModel condition1! , GxClientFilterModel condition2!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

Construct new GxClientFilterCombinedModel

GxClientFilterCombinedModel(GxClientFilterModel condition1! , GxClientFilterModel condition2! , BBjString operator!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

Construct new GxClientFilterCombinedModel

GxClientFilterDateTimeModel - class in GxClientModels

The filter model represents the state of the datetime filter. Please not this model will work for date , times and timestamps

GxClientFilterDateTimeModel() - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

Construct new GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

GxClientFilterDateTimeModel(BBjString filter!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

Construct new GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

GxClientFilterDateTimeModel(BBjString filter! , BBjString filterTo!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

Construct new GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

GxClientFilterDateTimeModel(BBjString filter! , BBjString filterTo! , BBjString type!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

Construct new GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

GxClientFilterModel - interface in GxClientModels

When saving or restoring state on a filter the filter model is used. The filter model represents the state of the filter

GxClientFilterNumberModel - class in GxClientModels

The filter model represents the state of the number filter

GxClientFilterNumberModel() - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

Construct new GxClientFilterNumberModel

GxClientFilterNumberModel(BBjNumber filter!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

Construct new GxClientFilterNumberModel

GxClientFilterNumberModel(BBjNumber filter! , BBjNumber filterTo!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

Construct new GxClientFilterNumberModel

GxClientFilterNumberModel(BBjNumber filter! , BBjString type!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

Construct new GxClientFilterNumberModel

GxClientFilterNumberModel(BBjNumber filter! , BBjNumber filterTo! , BBjString type!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

Construct new GxClientFilterNumberModel

GxClientFilterSetFilterModel - class in GxClientModels

The filter model represents the enhanced filter type "setFilter"

GxClientFilterSetFilterModel(JsonArray values!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Construct new GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

GxClientFilterSimpleModel - class in GxClientModels

An abstract filter model which defined the common properties of the provided simple filters

GxClientFilterTextModel - class in GxClientModels

The filter model represents the state of the text filter

GxClientFilterTextModel() - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterTextModel

Construct new GxClientFilterTextModel

GxClientFilterTextModel(BBjString filter!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterTextModel

Construct new GxClientFilterTextModel

GxClientFilterTextModel(BBjString filter! , BBjString type!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterTextModel

Construct new GxClientFilterTextModel

GxClientJsonFactory - class in BBjGridExWidget

The class will create client models from JSON

GxClientJsonFactory(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - constructor in class BBjGridExWidget.GxClientJsonFactory

Construct new GxClientJsonFactory

GxClientKeypressModel - class in GxClientModels

The model is used to represent a keypress on the client

GxClientRangeSelectionModel - class in GxClientModels

This model is used when range selections are read from the client

GxClientRowModel - class in GxClientModels

A client model for rows

GxClientRowModel(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

Construct new client row

GxClientSortModel - class in GxClientModels

The sorting model describes how the columns will be sorted on the client

GxClientTransactionModel - class in GxClientModels

The model describes an transaction operation that can be passed to the grid to add / remove & update that data at once.

GxClientTransactionModel(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - constructor in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

Construct new transaction model

GxColumn - class in GxColumns

The class holds the grid column props, it also introduces several helper methods to update the styles like, fore/back colors.

GxColumn(BBjString field!) - constructor in class GxColumns.GxColumn

Create a new column definition

GxColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!) - constructor in class GxColumns.GxColumn

Create a new column definition

GxColumn(BBjString field!, BBjNumber type!) - constructor in class GxColumns.GxColumn

Create a new column definition

GxColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label! , BBjNumber type!) - constructor in class GxColumns.GxColumn

Create a new column definition

GxColumnDefinition - class in GxColumns

The class holds the common props between column and column groups. Every property and method has one or more tag attached.

The following is the meaning for each tag :

 Enterprise The property/method is used only with the enterprise version. using it without having a valid license will
be ignored.
 Configuration Properties and methods which are tagged with this tag are used to configure the grid before it is rendered on the client.
Changing these properties or calling these methods won't affect the grid which is displayed on the client.
In order to reflect your changes on the client, you need to re-render the whole grid
or re-render the column definition once again.
 API Methods/properties tagged with this tag can be called before or after the grid is rendered on the client and they don't require a refresh.
 ColumnsRenderer Changing this property or calling this method after the first render require columns re-render using updateColumns() method
 GridRenderer Changing this property or calling this method after the first render require full re-render using render() method

GxColumnFilterAG - class in GxFilters

The class holds the shared ag filter options between all filter types. This is the base class for all ag filter types

GxColumnFilterDateTimeFilterOptions - class in GxFilters

Filter options constants for date/time filter

GxColumnFilterNumberFilterOptions - class in GxFilters

Filter options constants for numbers filter

GxColumnFilterTextFilterOptions - class in GxFilters

Filter options constants for texts filter

GxColumnGroup - class in GxColumns

The class holds the grid column group. With this object you can group several columns and several column groups together to create deep nested structure.

GxColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - constructor in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Construct new GxColumnGroup

GxColumnGroup(BBjString id! , BBjString label!) - constructor in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Construct new GxColumnGroup

GxColumnsManager - class in GxColumns

The class is a direct implementation for GxColumnsManagerInterface and it defines the common logic for all methods

GxColumnsManagerInterface - interface in GxColumns

The interface defines the common methods for columns and column groups management

GxColumnsToolpanel - class in GxSidebar

Columns Toolpanel

GxColumnsToolpanel() - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

Construct new columns toolpanel

GxColumnsToolpanel(BBjString label!) - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

Construct new toolpanel

GxColumnsToolpanel(BBjString label! , BBjString icon!) - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

Construct new toolpanel

GxContextMenu - class in GxContextMenu

A class which represents grid context menu

GxContextMenuItem - class in GxContextMenu

A class which represents a grid context menu item

GxContextMenuItem(BBjString id!) - constructor in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Construct new Menu item

GxContextMenuItem(BBjString id! , BBjString label!) - constructor in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Construct new Menu item

GxContextMenuItem(BBjNumber id! , BBjString label!) - constructor in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Construct new Menu item

GxContextMenuItemInterface - interface in GxContextMenu

An interface which defines a menu item

GxDefaultColumnDefinition - class in GxColumns

The class represents the default column definition which the grid will use.

GxDefaultColumnGroup - class in GxColumns

The class holds the default grid column group.

GxDefaultContextMenu - class in GxContextMenu

A class which represents the default grid context menu

GxDefaultContextMenu() - constructor in class GxContextMenu.GxDefaultContextMenu

Construct the default grid context menu

GxDefaultSidebar - class in GxSidebar

A class to define the default implementation of the grid sidebar

GxDefaultSidebar(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxDefaultSidebar

Construct the default grid sidebar

GxExecutor - class in BBjGridExWidget

The GxExecutor is responsible of Javascript code execution in the HTMLView. It will also tries to debounce the scripts which are enqueued for execution and send them in patches at specific rate.

GxExecutor(BBjGridExWidget widget!, BBjNumber rate!) - constructor in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

Construct new GxExecutor object

GxExpression - class in GxExpressions

Expressions are Javascript functions which are written as strings. When you provide an expression to the grid, the grid converts the expression into a function for you and then executes the function on the client.

Expressions can be used with the columns ValueGetterExpression, ValueFormatterExpression, ValueSetterExpression, ValueParserExpression.

For example you can add a virtual column to the grid and define a value getter expression to get the value of this column based on other two columns.

Expression can be as simple as "data.CDNumber" or more complex as the GxExpressionNumbersFormatter which can accepts parameters.

When working with expression key the following points in mind:

  1. If your expression has the word return in it, then the grid will assume it is a multi-line expression and will not wrap it
  2. If a ValueGetterExpression does not have the word 'return' in it, then the grid will insert the 'return' statement and the ';' for you
  3. f your expression has many lines, then you will need to provide the ';' at the end of each line and also provide the 'return' statement.

Expression can access several predefined variables :

 x  Mapped from cell value
 value  Same as x
 oldValue  Mapped from the cell's old value, this is mapped in editing
 newValue  Mapped from the cell's new value, this is mapped in editing
 data  Mapped from the DataRow
 column  Current column
 columnGroup  Current column group
 getValue  The value after it is processed by the ValueGetterExpression
 ctx  The grid client context

GxExpression(BBjString expression!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpression

GxExpressionAbstract - class in GxExpressions

Abstract implementation for GxExpressionInterface

GxExpressionBytesFormatter - class in GxExpressions

The class defines a grid expression to format bytes to one of the following measuring terms : ['KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']

GxExpressionBytesFormatter(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionBytesFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

GxExpressionBytesFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString groupSeparator!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionBytesFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

GxExpressionBytesFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString groupSeparator!, BBjString decimalSeparator!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionBytesFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

GxExpressionDatesFormatter - class in GxExpressions

The class defines a grid expression to format date/timestamps according to BBj supported masks

GxExpressionDatesFormatter(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDatesFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionDatesFormatter

GxExpressionDatesFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString locale!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDatesFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionDatesFormatter

GxExpressionDatesFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString locale!, BBjString timezone!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDatesFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionDatesFormatter

GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter - class in GxExpressions

The class defines a grid expression to format date/timestamps according to BBj supported masks

GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString locale!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString locale!, BBjString timezone!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

GxExpressionInterface - interface in GxExpressions


GxExpressionNumbersFormatter - class in GxExpressions

The class defines a grid expression to format numbers according to BBj supported masks

GxExpressionNumbersFormatter(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

GxExpressionNumbersFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString groupSeparator!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

GxExpressionNumbersFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString groupSeparator!, BBjString decimalSeparator!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

GxExpressionStringsFormatter - class in GxExpressions

The class defines a grid expression to format strings according to BBj supported masks

GxExpressionStringsFormatter(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionStringsFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter - class in GxExpressions

Alias for GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter

GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString locale!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter

GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter(BBjString mask!, BBjString locale!, BBjString timezone!) - constructor in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter

Construct a new GxExpressionTimestampsFormatter

GxFilterBasicBoolean - class in GxFilters

The class represents the boolean filter

GxFilterBasicDate - class in GxFilters

The class represents the date filter

GxFilterBasicDate() - constructor in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDate

Construct a new GxFilterBasicDateTime

GxFilterBasicDate(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDate

Construct new GxFilterBasicDate

GxFilterBasicDateTime - class in GxFilters

The class represents the date time filter

GxFilterBasicDateTime(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

Construct new GxFilterBasicDateTime

GxFilterBasicTime - class in GxFilters

The class represents the time filter

GxFilterBasicTime() - constructor in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicTime

Construct a new GxFilterBasicTime

GxFilterBasicTime(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicTime

Construct new GxFilterBasicTime

GxFilterBasicTimestamp - class in GxFilters

Alias for GxFilterBasicDateTime

GxFilterBasicTimestamp(BBjString mask!) - constructor in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicTimestamp

Construct new GxFilterBasicTimestamp

GxFilterComparator - class in GxFilters

Compare two filter components

GxFilterDate - class in GxFilters

The class represents the default ag-grid date filter

GxFilterDate() - constructor in class GxFilters.GxFilterDate

GxFilterInterface - interface in GxFilters

Column Filter Public Interface

GxFilterNumber - class in GxFilters

The class represents the default ag-grid number filter

GxFilterSetFilter - class in GxFilters

GxFilterSetFilter allow you to filter on set data, influenced by how filters work in Microsoft Excel


GxFiltersToolpanel - class in GxSidebar

A class which represents the filters toolpanel

GxFiltersToolpanel() - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxFiltersToolpanel

Construct new filters toolpanel

GxFiltersToolpanel(BBjString label!) - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxFiltersToolpanel

Construct new filters toolpanel

GxFiltersToolpanel(BBjString label! , BBjString icon!) - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxFiltersToolpanel

Construct new filters toolpanel

GxFilterText - class in GxFilters

The class represents the default ag-grid text filter

GxLanguageManager - class in BBjGridExWidget


The language manager will add, remove language files to the grid.

The grid will query the language manager in every render to get the translation keys.

Note Changing the language in the language manager will not automatically trigger a grid re-render.

GxLanguageManager() - constructor in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLanguageManager


Construct a new GxLanguageManager instance

GxLogger - class in BBjGridExWidget

A logger class which is used internally to output log , warn , error messages to the console and to the debug.log file

GxOptions - class in GxOptions

The class holds the grid configuration properties

Every property and method has one or more tag attached.

The following is the meaning for each tag :

 Enterprise The property/method is used only with the enterprise version. using it without having a valid license will
be ignored.
 Configuration Properties and methods which are tagged with this tag are used to configure the grid before it is rendered on the client.
Changing these properties or calling these methods won't affect the grid which is displayed on the client.
In order to reflect your changes on the client, you need to re-render the whole grid
or re-render the column definition once again.
 API Methods/properties tagged with this tag can be called before or after the grid is rendered on the client and they don't require a refresh.
 ColumnsRenderer Changing this property or calling this method after the first render require columns re-render using updateColumns() method
 GridRenderer Changing this property or calling this method after the first render require full re-render using render() method

GxOptions(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - constructor in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Construct new GxOptions instance

GxOptionsBoolean - class in GxOptions

The class defines the common boolean options shared between components which manipulate booleans

GxOptionsBoolean() - constructor in class GxOptions.GxOptionsBoolean

Construct new GxOptionsBoolean

GxOptionsDateTime - class in GxOptions

The class defines the common date time options shared between components which manipulate dates , times & timestamps

GxRendererAbstract - class in GxRenderers

Abstract implementation for GxRendererInterface

GxRendererBoolean - class in GxRenderers

The class represents a boolean cell renderer

GxRendererCustomHTML - class in GxRenderers

The class can render a custom html using lodash string templates.

Inside the template you will have access to the params object which contains value, valueFormatted, ...

Use This render if you want to render the data with a custom html.

GxRendererCustomHTML(BBjString template!) - constructor in class GxRenderers.GxRendererCustomHTML

Construct new GxRendererCustomHTML

GxRendererGroupCellRenderer - class in GxRenderers

If you are grouping in the grid, then you will need to provide a group cell renderer as the group cell renderer is what provides the user with the expand and collapse functionality.

GxRendererGroupCellRenderer(GxExpressionInterface footerValueGetterExpression!) - constructor in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

Construct new GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

GxRendererGroupCellRenderer(BBjString footerValueGetterExpression!) - constructor in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

Construct new GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

GxRendererImageRenderer - class in GxRenderers

The renderer can be used to display a list of images based on the cells values using a json object

GxRendererImageRenderer(JsonObject list!) - constructor in class GxRenderers.GxRendererImageRenderer

Construct new GxRendererImageRenderer

GxRendererInterface - interface in GxRenderers


GxSidebar - class in GxSidebar

The class manages the grid sidebar and its toolpanels

GxSidebar(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxSidebar

Construct new sidebar

GxState - class in BBjGridExWidget

The Grid state object

GxState(BBjString String$) - constructor in class BBjGridExWidget.GxState

GxStatusBar - class in GxStatusBar


Gx status bar manager. The class can add, remove & hide status bar components

GxStatusBar(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - constructor in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBar

Construct new sidebar

GxStatusBarAggregationComponent - class in GxStatusBar

A statusbar component which provides aggregations on the selected range.

GxStatusBarAggregationComponent() - constructor in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarAggregationComponent

Construct new Aggregation Component

GxStatusBarAggregationComponent(BBjString alignment!) - constructor in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarAggregationComponent

Construct new Aggregation Component

GxStatusBarComponent - class in GxStatusBar

An Abstract implementation for GxStatusBarComponentInterface

GxStatusBarComponent(BBjString alignment!) - constructor in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarComponent


GxStatusBarComponentInterface - interface in GxStatusBar

An interface which defines a status bar component

GxStatusBarFilteredRowCountComponent - class in GxStatusBar

A statusbar component which provides the filtered row count.

GxStatusBarFilteredRowCountComponent(BBjString alignment!) - constructor in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarFilteredRowCountComponent


GxStatusBarSelectedRowCountComponent - class in GxStatusBar

A statusbar component which provides the selected row count

GxStatusBarSelectedRowCountComponent(BBjString alignment!) - constructor in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarSelectedRowCountComponent


GxStatusBarTotalAndFilteredRowCountComponent - class in GxStatusBar

A statusbar component which provides the total and filtered row count.

GxStatusBarTotalAndFilteredRowCountComponent(BBjString alignment!) - constructor in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarTotalAndFilteredRowCountComponent


GxStatusBarTotalRowCountComponent - class in GxStatusBar

A statusbar component which provides the total row count.

GxStatusBarTotalRowCountComponent(BBjString alignment!) - constructor in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarTotalRowCountComponent


GxToolpanel - class in GxSidebar

An abstract class which represents a toolpanel which can be attached to a sidebar

GxToolpanel(BBjString label!) - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxToolpanel

Construct new toolpanel

GxToolpanel(BBjString label! , BBjString icon!) - constructor in class GxSidebar.GxToolpanel

Construct new toolpanel

GxToolpanelInterface - interface in GxSidebar

A interface which defines a grid toolpanel


hasColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Check if the column definition exists


hasColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Check if the column definition exists


hasColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Check if the column definition exists


hasColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Check if the column definition exists


hasColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Check if the column group definition exists


hasColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Check if the column group definition exists


hasColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Check if the column group definition exists


hasColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Check if the column group definition exists


HeaderCheckboxSelection! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true to render a selection checkbox in the column's header.


HeaderCheckboxSelectionFilteredOnly! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

When true , The checkbox will select only filtered rows when checked and un-select only filtered rows when unchecked. The checkbox will update its state based only on filtered rows. When false The checkbox will select all rows when checked, and un-select all rows when unchecked. The checkbox will update its state based on all rows.


HeaderClass! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

CSS class(es) to use for the header cell.


HeaderGroupTooltip! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnGroup

Tooltip for the column group header

HeaderHeight! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The height for the row containing the column label header. If not specified the default is 25px.

HeaderTooltip! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

Tooltip for the column header


Height! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

Setup the suggestion list height in pixels

Height! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererImageRenderer

The image's height

Hidden! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true to make a column hidden by default.


HiddenByDefault! - field in class GxSidebar.GxSidebar

When true, the sidebar will be hidden on the first draw, visible otherwise. default is false

hideOverlay() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Clear all overlays


HTMLView! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Instance of the created HTMLView


Icon! - field in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

The icon to display beside the icon, either a DOM element or HTML string

Icons! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Icons to use inside the column instead of the grid's default icons.

The icons can either be set on the grid options (all icons) or on the column definition (all except group). If defined in both the grid options and column definitions, the column definition will get used. This allows you to specify defaults in the grid options to fall back on, and then provide individual icons for specific columns. This is handy if, for example, you want to include 'A..Z' as string sort icons and just the simple arrow for other columns.


The icons are set as follows:

 // column header items

 // row checkbox selection and tool panel column selection

 // tool panel column selection, when read only (ie disabled checkboxes)

 // when moving columns
 columnMovePin // when column is to the left, before it gets pinned
 columnMoveAdd // when adding a column
 columnMoveHide // when removing a column
 columnMoveMove // when moving a column
 columnMoveLeft // when moving and scrolling left
 columnMoveRight // when moving and scrolling right
 columnMoveGroup // when about to drop into group panel
 columnMoveValue // when about to drop into value panel
 columnMovePivot // when about to drop into pivot panel
 dropNotAllowed // when trying to drop column into group/value/pivot panel and column doesn't support it

 // menu
 menuPin // beside the column pin menu item
 menuValue // beside the column value menu item
 menuAddRowGroup // beside the column row group menu item
 menuRemoveRowGroup // beside the column row group menu item
 clipboardCopy // beside the copy to clipboard menu item
 clipboardPaste // beside the paste from clipboard menu item

 // column drop panels
 pivotPanel // beside where to drop columns for pivot
 valuePanel // beside where to drop columns for value

Icons! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Icons to use inside the grid instead of the grid's default icons.

The icons can either be set on the grid options (all icons) or on the column definition (all except group). If defined in both the grid options and column definitions, the column definition will get used. This allows you to specify defaults in the grid options to fall back on, and then provide individual icons for specific columns. This is handy if, for example, you want to include 'A..Z' as string sort icons and just the simple arrow for other columns.
The icons are set as follows:

 // column header items

 // expand / contract row group

 // expand / contract column group

 // tool panel column group open / close

 // row checkbox selection and tool panel column selection

 // tool panel column selection, when read only (ie disabled checkboxes)

 // when moving columns
 columnMovePin // when column is to the left, before it gets pinned
 columnMoveAdd // when adding a column
 columnMoveHide // when removing a column
 columnMoveMove // when moving a column
 columnMoveLeft // when moving and scrolling left
 columnMoveRight // when moving and scrolling right
 columnMoveGroup // when about to drop into group panel
 columnMoveValue // when about to drop into value panel
 columnMovePivot // when about to drop into pivot panel
 dropNotAllowed // when trying to drop column into group/value/pivot panel and column doesn't support it

 // menu
 menuPin // beside the column pin menu item
 menuValue // beside the column value menu item
 menuAddRowGroup // beside the column row group menu item
 menuRemoveRowGroup // beside the column row group menu item
 clipboardCopy // beside the copy to clipboard menu item
 clipboardPaste // beside the paste from clipboard menu item

 // column drop panels
 rowGroupPanel // beside where to drop columns for row group
 pivotPanel // beside where to drop columns for pivot
 valuePanel // beside where to drop columns for value

ID() - method in class GxSidebar.GxToolpanelInterface

Get the toolbar unique name

ID() - method in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

ID() - method in class GxSidebar.GxFiltersToolpanel

Id! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

The row id

imageToBase64(BBjString filename!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Convert the image at the given path to base64 string

ImmutableColumns! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Puts the grid into Immutable Column mode, so that setting new columns keeps column state. Default: false


IN_RANGE() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterDateTimeFilterOptions

IncludeBlanksInEquals! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterNumber

If true then blank (null or undefined) values will pass the 'equals' filter option.

IncludeBlanksInGreaterThan! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterNumber

If true then blank (null or undefined) values will pass the 'greaterThan' and 'greaterThanOrEqual' filter options.

IncludeBlanksInLessThan! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterNumber

If true then blank (null or undefined) values will pass the 'lessThan' and 'lessThanOrEqual' filter options.

includeClientRowDataInRowModels(BBjNumber include!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sync the client row data every time a new GxClientRowModel is composed by the grid.

Use this method if the row's data in the client is different that the row's data in the ResultSet

Index! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

The row index

INFO() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLogger

Constant value to define "info" log messages

injectScript(BBjString script!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Inject a js Script at the top window.

If for some reason you want to inject a script in the iframe , then use the injectScript method from the created internal HTML View.

InnerRenderer! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

Provide an inner renderer

InRangeInclusive! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterNumber

If true then doing 'inRange' filter option will include values equal to the start and end of the range.

InRangeInclusive! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

If true then doing 'inRange' filter option will include values equal to the start and end of the range.

IsAltDown! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientKeypressModel

A Boolean that is true if the Alt key was active when the key event was generated.

IsCtrlDown! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientKeypressModel

A Boolean that is true if the Ctrl key was active when the key event was generated.

isFilterActive() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Check if the filter is action or not


isFilterActive() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterAbstractModel

Check if the filter is action or not


isLicensed() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

The method will check whether the grid has license key or not.

IsReady! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

A flag which defines when the grid is ready and the process events started

IsSelected! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

True when the row is selected, false otherwise

IsShiftDown! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientKeypressModel

A Boolean that is true if the Shift key was active when the key event was generated.


Key! - field in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsRowSelection

A keypress model which is received from the client.

Note The the key model is available for the following grid events only ON_GRID_ROW_CLICK and ON_GRID_DOUBLE_CLICK. In all other cases , it will be null()

Key! - field in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsKeypress

A keypress model which is received from the client

KeyCode! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientKeypressModel

A Number representing the Unicode reference number of the key. For keys whose char attribute contains multiple characters, this is the Unicode value of the first character in that attribute.


Label! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

The name to render in the column header.

Label! - field in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

The item's label

Label! - field in class GxSidebar.GxToolpanel

The default label of the toolpanel

Language$ - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLanguageManager

LanguageManager! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The grid language manager

Languages! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLanguageManager

LESS_THAN() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterDateTimeFilterOptions

LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterNumberFilterOptions

LicenseKey$ - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

The Grid enterprise key

List! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

A json array which is used by the addItem methods and it will be returned by the implemented resolve method

List! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererImageRenderer

A json object

LoadedLanguages! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLanguageManager

Locale! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

The date / timestamp locale to use.

Locale! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

The locale used to format and display dates and times. default to the System settings

LockPinned! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true block pinning column via the UI (API will still work).


LockPosition! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true to always have column displayed first.


LockVisible! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true block making column visible / hidden via the UI (API will still work).


log(BBjString type!, BBjString section!, BBjString message!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLogger

Output a log message on the console and Debug.log file

log(BBjString section!, BBjString message!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLogger

Output a log message on the console and Debug.log file

log(BBjString message!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLogger

Output a log message on the console and Debug.log file


makeHexColor(BBjColor color!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Make Hex Color

Convert the given BBjColor to a hex color string

MarryChildren! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnGroup

Set to 'true' to keep columns in this group beside each other in the grid. Moving the columns outside of the group (and hence breaking the group) is not allowed.

Mask! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicText

A bbj string mask When set we use it to validate the value

Mask! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

The default column mask

Mask! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionStringsFormatter

The String mask to use.

Mask! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

The Number mask to use.

Mask! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

The date / timestamp mask to use.

Mask! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

The Date mask for calender input

Max! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicNumber

The max allowed value

Max! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

A valid iso 8601 datetime which defines the max allowed value in the calender

MaxLength! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorLargeText

Max number of characters to allow. Default is 200.

MaxWidth! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Initial max width in pixels


MENU_TAB_COLUMNS() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumn

MENU_TAB_FILTER() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumn

MENU_TAB_GENERAL() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumn

MenuTabs! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to an array containing zero, one or many of the pre built men tabs. This is used to figure out which menu tabs are present and in which order the tabs are shown.

Min! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicNumber

The min allowed value

Min! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

A valid iso 8601 datetime which defines the min allowed value in the calender

MinLength! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

Specify the minimum length, when autocomplete should appear on the screen.

MinWidth! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Initial min width in pixels


moveColumn(BBjString Field$, BBjNumber toIndex!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Change column position


moveToNextCell() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Start Next Cell Editing


moveToPreviousCell() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Move to previous cell


MultipleSelection! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Allow selection of multiple cells or rows. When true enable multiselection, disable otherwise


NAME() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarComponentInterface

Get the component name

NAME() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarSelectedRowCountComponent

NAME() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarFilteredRowCountComponent

NAME() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarTotalAndFilteredRowCountComponent

NAME() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarTotalRowCountComponent

NAME() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarAggregationComponent

NavigationBehavior! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Defines how users can move between rows using arrow keys.

NEW_ROWS_ACTION_CLEAR() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

A constant which describes the NewRowsAction behavior

NEW_ROWS_ACTION_KEEP() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

A constant which describes the NewRowsAction behavior

NewRowsAction! - field in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

If set to 'clear', then setting data into the grid will clear (reset) the filter If set to 'keep' then the grid will keep it's currently set filter. The default is 'clear'

NoneValue! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean

None value Translation

NOT_CONTAINS() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterTextFilterOptions

NOT_EQUALS() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterTextFilterOptions

NOT_EQUALS() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterDateTimeFilterOptions


OldValue! - field in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsCell

The old value of the cell

ON_GRID_CELL_CLICK() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define cell click event

ON_GRID_CELL_DOUBLE_CLICK() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define cell double-click event

ON_GRID_CELL_EDITING_STARTED() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define cell editing start event

ON_GRID_CELL_EDITING_STOPPED() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define cell editing stop event

ON_GRID_CELL_VALUE_CHANGED() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define cell value changed event

ON_GRID_COLUMN_STATE_CHANGE() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget


ON_GRID_DOUBLE_CLICK() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget


ON_GRID_FILTER_CHANGED() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define A filter changed event.

ON_GRID_KEYPRESS() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define keyboard keypress

ON_GRID_RANGE_SELECTION_CHANGED() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define range selection event

ON_GRID_READY() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define the grid ready event.

ON_GRID_ROW_CLICK() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define row click events

ON_GRID_ROW_DOUBLE_CLICK() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define row double-click event

ON_GRID_ROW_EDITING_STARTED() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define row editing start event

ON_GRID_ROW_EDITING_STOPPED() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define row editing stop event

ON_GRID_ROW_SELECT() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget


ON_GRID_ROW_VALUE_CHANGED() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define A row has changed. This event corresponds to Full Row Editing only.

ON_GRID_SELECT_ROW() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

A Constant value to define row selection (selected/deselected) change events

ON_GRID_STATE_CHANGE() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Constant value to define grid state changes

onFlush(BBjTimerEvent event!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

A BBjTimerEvent listener which will be invoked when the executor count down reaches 0 to flush the enqueued scripts

onGainedFocus(BBjGainedFocusEvent ev!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Focus the grid by selecting the cell in the first cell and first column.

Note: If the grid has already a different selected cell , then the event handler will retain the selection

onInit(BBjEvent ev!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

An Event listener executed after the initial load of the HTML View.

At this phase the grid will inject all required js files in the client to make the grid functional.

onLoaded(BBjEvent ev!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

An Event listener executed after the second ON_PAGE_LOADED event

At this phase the grid flush all enqueued scripts

onLoadedByTimer(BBjEvent ev!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

An Event listener for the fallback by timer

Sporadically the ON_PAGE_LOADED event did not fire

onNativeEvent(BBjNativeJavaScriptEvent ev!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

On NativeEvent

Event Handler for Native JavaScript Event coming from the client Determines and dispatches the actual event

OpenByDefault! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnGroup

Set to 'true' if this group should be opened by default.

openToolpanel(BBjString id!) - method in class GxSidebar.GxSidebar

Open toolpanel

Open the given toolpanel

Operator! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

The combine operator

OPERATOR_AND() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

Constant value which defines the AND operator

OPERATOR_OR() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

Constant value which defines the OR operator

Options! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Instance of the grid options class

OverlayLoadingTemplate! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Provide a template for 'loading' overlay if not happy with the default one.

OverlayNoRowsTemplate! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Provide a template for 'no rows' overlay if not happy with the provided.


ParentKey! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

The row parent key, if any

Pattern! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicText

A regular expression that the input's value must match in order for the value to pass constraint validation

Pattern! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

A regular expression that the input's value must match In order for the value to pass constraint validation

pinColumn(BBjString field$, BBjString pin$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Pin a column of the grid to the left or the right margin


Pinned! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to 'left' or 'right' to pin.


PINNED_LEFT() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Get pinned left constant

PINNED_RIGHT() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Get pinned right constant

PinnedBottomRows! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The ResultSet instance which contains the bottom pinned rows

PinnedRowCellRenderer! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A cellRenderer for pinned rows.

Use to give pinned row cell a different CellRenderer to the other cells. If both CellRenderer and PinnedRowCellRenderer are provided, pinned rows will use PinnedRowCellRenderer over CellRenderer.


PinnedTopRows! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The ResultSet instance which contains the top pinned rows

PivotGroupHeaderHeight! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The height for the row containing header column groups when in pivot mode. If not specified, it uses groupHeaderHeight

PivotHeaderHeight! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The height for the row containing the columns when in pivot mode. If not specified, it uses headerHeight.

PivotIndex! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set this in columns you want to pivot by. If only pivoting by one column, set this to any number (eg 0). If pivoting by multiple columns, set this to where you want this column to be in the order of pivots (eg 0 for first, 1 for second, and so on).


PivotMode! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to enable pivot mode

PivotPanelShow! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When to show the 'pivot panel' (where you drag rows to pivot) at the top. Default is never. Set to either 'always' or 'onlyWhenPivoting'. Note that the pivot panel will never show if pivotMode is off.

PossibleFalseValues! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsBoolean

A hashset of what is considered false

PossibleTrueValues! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptionsBoolean

A hashset of what is considered true

preferAsyncExecution(BBjNumber enable!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

When true then the executor will try to executes the JavaScript in the BBjHtmlView and returns immediately without waiting for a return value from the client.

Enabling this option might boost the performance of the grid.

PreferAsyncExecution! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

When true then the executor will try to executes the JavaScript in this BBjHtmlView and returns immediately without waiting for a return value from the client.

Enabling this option might boost the performance of the grid.

Prefix! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionStringsFormatter

A prefix to append to the value after it is formatted

Prefix! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

A prefix to append to the value after it is formatted


Queue! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

A map of scripts which must be executed


RangeSelection! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Defines the range of cells to be charted. A range is normally defined with start and end rows and a list of columns, If the start and end rows are omitted, the range covers all rows (ie entire columns are selected).

Rate! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

The number of milliseconds before the executor tries to flush the enqueued scripts on the client

redraw(Boolean f_init!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget


This method is called whenever the widget needs to be rendered

redrawRows() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Gets the grid to remove a row from the DOM and recreate it again from scratch.

RememberGroupStateWhenNewData! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true, if you set new data into the grid and have groups open, the grid will keep groups open if they exist in the new dataset

remove(BBjString column!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientSortModel

Remove a column from the model

remove(DataRow row!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

Add new row

remove(BBjString language$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLanguageManager

Remove an added language

Remove! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

An array of row to remove

removeAlignedGrid(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Disable the current grid alignment with the passed one

removeChartToolbarItem(BBjString item!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Disable a chart toolbar item


removeColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Remove a column definition


removeColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Remove a column definition


removeColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Remove a column definition


removeColumn(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Remove a column definition


removeColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Remove a column group definition


removeColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Remove a column group definition


removeColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Remove a column group definition


removeColumnGroup(BBjString id!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Remove a column group definition


removeComponent(BBjString id!) - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBar

Remove statusbar component

removeComponent(GxStatusBarComponentInterface component!) - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBar

Remove statusbar component

removePivotColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Disable pivot for columns.


removeRow(DataRow row!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Remove a row from grid by the row reference


removeRow(BBjNumber index!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Remove a row from grid by index


removeRow(BBjString key!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Remove a row from grid by key


removeRowGroupColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Disable row grouping for columns.


removeStyle(BBjString selector$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Remove Style Block


removeValueColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Disable value for columns.


render() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Render the grid

The method will compose the grid config and send it to the client for a full re-render. You can use this method to force the client render after you update a setup configuration (ex: column definitions)

Required! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicText

When true , then the input cannot be empty and a value is required to consider the input valid

Required! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

When true , then the input cannot be empty and a value is required to consider the input valid

RESET_COLUMNS() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

resetAllColumns() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Clear all columns and column groups


resetAllColumns() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManagerInterface

Clear all columns and column groups


resetAllColumns() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnsManager

Clear all columns and column groups


resetAllColumns() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Clear all columns and column groups


resetRowHeights() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Reset The row heights.


The rows height is calculated once when the data is first given to the grid. If the data changes, or the width of a column changes, then you may require the grid to calculate the height again by calling this method

Resizable! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true to allow column to be resized.


resolve(BBjString term!, GxClientColumnModel column!, GxClientRowModel row!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolverInterface

Resolve/build the suggestion list

resolve(BBjString term!, GxClientColumnModel column!, GxClientRowModel row!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

Resolve/build the suggestion list

RestButton! - field in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

Set to true to have the filter use a Reset button. The Reset button will clear the details of the filter and any active filters on that column.

RestButton! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean

Set to true to have the filter use a Reset button. The Reset button will clear the details of the filter and any active filters on that column.

RestButton! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

Set to true to have the filter use a Reset button. The Reset button will clear the details of the filter and any active filters on that column.

Row! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

The row model

Row! - field in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsRowEditing

The Row being edited

Row! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientCellModel

The cell's row.

RowClass! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Property to set CSS class for all rows

RowClassRules! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Rules which can be applied to include certain CSS classes for rows.

These rules are provided as a JavaScript map where the keys are class names and the values are expressions that if evaluated to true, the class gets used. The expression is a string which is treated as a shorthand for a function by the grid.

The expression has the following attributes available:

 rowIndex  Maps the current row index
 data  Mapped from the DataRow
 ctx  The grid client context

RowDeselection! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true or false. If true, then rows will be deselected if you hold down ctrl + click the row. Normal behaviour with the grid disallows deselection of nodes (ie once a row is selected, it remains selected until another row is selected in its place).

RowGroup! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true To group rows by this column


RowGroupIndex! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set this in columns you want to group by. If only grouping by one column, set this to any number (eg 0). If grouping by multiple columns, set this to where you want this column to be in the group (eg 0 for first, 1 for second, and so on).


RowGroupPanelShow! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When to show the 'row group panel' (where you drag rows to group) at the top. Default is never. Set to either 'always' or 'onlyWhenGrouping'

RowHeight! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Default Row Height in pixels. Default is 25 pixels.

RowMultiSelectWithClick! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to allow multiple rows to be selected with a single click.

E.g. if you click select one row, then click select another row, the first row will keep it's selection. Clicking a selected row in this mode will deselect the row. This is useful for touch devices where ctrl and shift clicking is not an option.
Note that Despite the setting name, it works when MultipleSelection is enabled or disabled

RowNodeId$ - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

The unique string to use as row index. default is __ROW_INDEX

Rows! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorLargeText

Number of character rows to display. Default is 10.

Rows! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientRangeSelectionModel

An array of rows objects where every object is instance of GxClientRowModel

RowSpanExpression! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A grid expression which can be executed to perform row spanning.

The expression must return the number of rows to span , if no spanning should be applied , then return 1 instead (ex: "data.SHOW ? 4 : 1")

By default, each cell will take up the height of one row. You can change this behaviour to allow cells to span multiple rows. This feature is similar to 'cell merging' in Excel or 'row spanning' in HTML tables.

To allow row spanning, the grid must have options SuppressRowTransform=true To have a cell span more than one row, return how many rows to span in the RowSpanExpression.

The option SuppressRowTransform=true is used to stop the grid positioning rows using CSS transform and instead the grid will use CSS top. The reason row span will not work with CSS transform is that CSS transform creates a stacking context which constrains CSS z-index from placing cells on top of other cells in another row. Having cells extend into other rows is necessary for row span which means it will not work when using CSS transform. The downside to not using transform is performance; row animation (after sort or filter) will be slower.

Constraints with Row Spanning :

Row Spanning breaks out of the row / cell calculations that a lot of features in the grid are based on. If using Row Spanning, be aware of the following:

  1. Responsibility is with the developer to not span past the last row. This is especially true if sorting and filtering (e.g. a cell may span outside the grid after the data is sorted and the cell's row ends up at the bottom of the grid).
  2. Responsibility is with the developer to apply a background style to spanning cells so that overwritten cells cannot be seen.
  3. Overwritten cells will still exist, but will not be visible. This means cell navigation will go to the other cells - e.g. if a row spanned cell has focus, and the user hits the 'arrow down' key, the focus will go to a hidden cell.
  4. Row span does not work with dynamic row height or auto-height. The row span assumes default row height is used when calculating how high the cell should be.
  5. Sorting and filtering will provide strange results when row spanning. For example a cell may span 4 rows, however applying a filter or a sort will probably change the requirements of what rows should be spanned.
  6. Range Selection will not work correctly when spanning cells. This is because it is not possible to cover all scenarios, as a range is no longer a perfect rectangle.


RowStyle! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Property to set style for all rows. Set to an object of key (style names) and values (style values)

RS! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

The ResultSet instance


SecondCondition! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

The second filter condition

selectAll() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

select all rows


selectAll(BBjNumber x!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

select all rows


SelectedRows! - field in class GxClientEvents.GxClientEventsRowSelection

An array of selected rows

selectEverything() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Select all values generated by the UI


selectNothing() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Clears the selection


selectValue(BBjString value!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Selects a value


selectValue(BBjNumber value!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Selects a value


SEPARATOR() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

setAlignment(BBjNumber align!, BBjNumber alignHeader!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Sets the default alignment for a column

setAlignment(BBjNumber align!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Sets the default alignment for a column

setAlignment(BBjString alignment!) - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBarComponentInterface

Set the component alignment

setAllowedAggFuncs(BBjString funcs!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set the allowed aggregation functions allowed on this column

setAllowInput(BBjNumber allow!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

setBackColor(BBjColor color!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Sets the background color of a column

setBackColor(BBjString color!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Sets the background color of a column

setCallback(int type!, String callback!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Register an event handler

setCallback(int type!, CustomObject instance!, String method!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Register an event handler

setColumn(BBjString column!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Set the working column

setColumnAggFunc(BBjString field!, BBjString AggFunc!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set an aggregation function for the passed column field


setColumnAlignment(BBjString field!, BBjNumber align!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sets the default alignment for a column


setColumnBackColor(BBjString field$, BBjColor color!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sets the background color of a column


setColumnBackColor(BBjString field$, BBjString color!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sets the background color of a column


setColumnForeColor(BBjString field$, BBjColor color!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sets the foreground color for a column


setColumnForeColor(BBjString field$, BBjString color!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sets the foreground color for a column


setColumnHeaderAlignment(BBjString field!, BBjNumber align!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sets the default alignment for a column's header


setColumnImageList(BBjString field!, BBjImage imagelist!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set an image list for a given column using GxRendererImageRenderer.


Note: This method will override the CellRenderer of the column. The column has to contain the values "1", "2", "3" to x to reference the slices in the BBjImage list

setColumnMask(BBjString field!, BBjString mask!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the mask of a column using value formatter expression.


Note: This method will override the ValueFormatterExpression of the column.The method depends on the column type to determine the correct value formatter (number, date, ...)

setColumnMask(BBjString mask!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set the mask of a column in all supported components (filters , formatters , ...)

In case the column has no value formatter expression , then the method will create one

setColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel

Add columns as comma separated string

setColumnSpanExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Create a GxExpression from string and set it as column span expression

setColumnState(GxState state!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Apply the grid's columns , sorbing and filtering state


setColumnVisible(BBjString columns!, BBjNumber hidden!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sets the visibility of column(s)

setColumnVisible(GxColumn column!, BBjNumber hidden!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sets the visibility of a column

setColumnWidth(BBjString field$, BBjNumber width!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sets the width of a column


Note: Unlike setting the width in the column definition, this method will update a column width without a full re-render.

setColumnWidth(BBjNumber width!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Sets the default column width for all columns


setComponentVisibility(BBjString id!, BBjNumber visibility!) - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBar

Hide/show statusbar component

setComponentVisibility(GxStatusBarComponentInterface component!, BBjNumber visibility!) - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBar

Hide/show statusbar component

setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber render!, BBjNumber addAll!, BBjString indexdBy$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Feed the grid with data

setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber render!, BBjNumber all!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Feed the grid with data

The method will sync the result set column definitions with the current column definitions , update the data and render the grid on the client

setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber render!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Feed the grid with data

The method will sync the result set column definitions with the current column definitions , update the data and render the grid on the client

setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjString indexdBy$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Feed the grid with data

setData(ResultSet rs!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Feed the grid with data

The method will sync the result set column definitions with the current column definitions , update the data and render the grid on the client

setDebug(BBjNumber debug!, BBjNumber port!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Enable remote debugging on the given port

setDebug(BBjNumber debug!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Enable remote debugging on the 9222 port

setDefaultDatesMask(BBjString mask!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

setDefaultHour(BBjNumber hour!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Set the initial value of the hour element.

setDefaultMinute(BBjNumber minute!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Set the initial value of the minute element.

setDefaultNumbersMask(BBjString mask!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

setDefaultStringsMask(BBjString mask!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

setDefaultTimesMask(BBjString mask!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

setDefaultTimestampsMask(BBjString mask!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

setDeltaColumnMode(BBjNumber enabled!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Enable/disable DeltaColumn Mode

setEditable(BBjNumber editable!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Enable / disable column editing


setEditableExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Create a GxExpression from string and set it as editable expression

setEnable24HR(BBjNumber enabled!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Enable / disable time 24 format.

setEnableFilter(BBjNumber enable!, BBjNumber enableFiltersToolpanel!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Enable / Disable column Filters.This method updates only the default column definition, columns can still override this setting individually.


setEnableFilter(BBjNumber enable!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Enable / Disable column Filters.This method updates only the default column definition, columns can still override this setting individually.


setField(BBjString field!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumn

Throw an error when called because the field becomes immutable after the column's definition creation

setFilterModel(BBjString column!, GxClientFilterModel model!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set and apply filter model for the given column

setFilterValues(JsonArray values!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Change on the fly the available options


setFirstCondition(GxClientFilterModel condition!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

Set the first condition

setFitToGrid() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Make the currently visible columns fit the screen.

The columns will scale (growing or shrinking) to fit the available width. If you don't want a particular column to be included in the auto resize, then set the column setting SuppressSizeToFit=true. This is helpful if, for example, you want the first column to remain fixed with, but all other columns to fill the width of the table.


setFitToGrid(BBjNumber width!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Gets the grid to size the columns to the specified with


setFooterValueGetterExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

Create a GxExpression from string and set it a footer value getter

setForeColor(BBjColor color!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Sets the foreground color for a column

setForeColor(BBjString color!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Sets the foreground color for a column

setFormatterExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptionsDateTime

Create a GxExpression from string and set it as FormatterExpression

setFunctionsReadOnly(BBjNumber readonly!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

If true, then row group, pivot and value aggregation will be read only from the Ui. The grid will display what values are used for each, but will not allow the use to change the selection


setGroupColumnLabel(BBjString label!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set the default label used when a new group is created


setGroupId() - method in class GxColumns.GxColumnGroup

Throw an error when called because the group id becomes immutable after the column group's definition creation

setHeaderAlignment(BBjNumber align!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Sets the default alignment for a column's header

setHeaderGroupTooltip(BBjString tooltip!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnGroup

Set the tooltip for the column group header

setIcon(BBjString url$, BBjNumber width!, BBjNumber height!) - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Construct an html image to use as an icon

setIcon(BBjString url$, BBjNumber width!) - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Construct an html image to use as an icon

setIcons(BBjString json!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set the grid icons

setIcons(BBjString json!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set the grid icons


setImmutableColumns(BBjNumber enabled!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Enable/disable DeltaColumn Mode

setMask(BBjString mask!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set the mask of a column in all supported components (filters , formatters , ...)

In case the column has no value formatter expression , then the method will create one

setMiniFilter(BBjString miniFilter!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Sets the filter at the top of the filter (the 'quick search' in the popup)


setMiniFilter(BBjNumber miniFilter!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Sets the filter at the top of the filter (the 'quick search' in the popup)


setPinnedBottomRows(ResultSet rs!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set a result set of pinned rows on bottom

setPinnedBottomRows(ResultSet rs!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set a result set of pinned rows on bottom

setPinnedTopRows(ResultSet rs!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set a result set of pinned rows on top

setPinnedTopRows(ResultSet rs!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set a result set of pinned rows on top

setPivotColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Disable pivot for all columns and enable it for the passed columns


setPivotMode(BBjNumber mode!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Enable / disable pivot mode


setQuickFilter(BBjString filter!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Perform throw columns search


setQuickFilter(BBjNumber filter!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Perform throw columns search


setRowData(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Update row data


setRowData(DataRow row!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Update row data


setRowDeselection(BBjNumber value!) _break_ - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

setRowGroupColumns(BBjString columns!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Disable row grouping for all columns and enable it for the passed columns


setRowHeight(BBjNumber height!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set all rows height


setRowHeight(BBjString key!, BBjNumber height!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the given row height


setRowHeight(BBjNumber index!, BBjNumber height!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the given row height


setRowsData(ResultSet rs!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Feed the grid with a new ResultSet

Unlike the setData method, this one will update the grid with a new rows set(ResultSet) without doing a full re-render. The column definition will not be synced from the passed ResultSet in this case.

Use this method in case you want to replace the whole data in the grid at once. Please note that All row and range selection will be lost.


setRowSpanExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Create a GxExpression from string and set it as row span expression

setSecondCondition(GxClientFilterModel condition!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

Set the first condition

setSelectedRow(BBjNumber index!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Select a row by its index


setSelectedRow(BBjString key!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Select a row by its key


setSelectedRows(BBjVector x!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Select a vector of rows. The vector can contain a mix of row indices and row keys


setShowGroupChildCount(BBjNumber enabled!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Enable / disable showing row counts beside group labels


setShowGroupSelectionCheckbox(BBjNumber enabled!) - method in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Enable/ disable checkbox selection on groups


setSize(BBjNumber w!, BBjNumber h!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

setSize - set the size of the control


setSortModel(GxClientSortModel model!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set a sorting for one or more columns


setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!, BBjString charPress!, BBjString floating!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Start Cell Editing at the given row and column


setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!, BBjString charPress!, BBjString floating!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Start Cell Editing at the given row and column


setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Start Cell Editing at the given row and column


setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Start Cell Editing at the given row and column


setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!, BBjString charPress!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Start Cell Editing at the given row and column


setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!, BBjString charPress!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Start Cell Editing at the given row and column


setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Start Cell Editing at the given row and column


setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Start Cell Editing at the given row and column


setState(GxState state!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Apply the grid's columns , sorbing and filtering state


setString(BBjString jsonstr$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxState

setSuppressBuiDebouncing(BBjNumber suppressBuiDebouncing!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

setTheme(BBjString theme$) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Set the grid theme


setTooltipValueGetterExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Create a GxExpression from string and set it as tooltip value getter

setType(BBjNumber type!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set the column type

setType(BBjNumber type!) - method in class GxColumns.GxAutoGroupColumn

Set the column type

setUsedFalseValue(BBjString falseValue!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

Set The value to use when when the component needs to return a true value.

setUsedFalseValue(BBjString falseValue!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

Set The value to use when when the component needs to return a true value.

setUsedNoneValue(BBjString noneValue!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

Set The value to use when when the component needs to return a none/empty/null value. in case it is null() , then the none option will be hidden from the rendered list

setUsedNoneValue(BBjString noneValue!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

Set The value to use when when the component needs to return a none/empty/null value. in case it is null() , then the none option will be hidden from the rendered list

setUsedTrueValue(BBjString trueValue!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

Set The value to use when when the component needs to return a true value.

setUsedTrueValue(BBjString trueValue!) - method in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

Set The value to use when when the component needs to return a true value.

setValueFormatterExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Create a GxExpression from string and set it as value formatter

setValueGetterExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Create a GxExpression from string and set it as value getter

setValueParserExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Create a GxExpression from string and set it as value parser

setValueSetterExpression(BBjString expression!) - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Create a GxExpression from string and set it as value setter

setVisible(BBjNumber visible!) - method in class GxSidebar.GxSidebar

Set Visible

Enable / Disable the grid sidebar

setVisibleColumn(BBjString columnId!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Ensures the column is visible, scrolling the table if needed.


setVisibleRow(BBjNumber index!, BBjString position!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid

Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid. The valid values for positions are {'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}. If top, middle or bottom, the grid will scroll the row to place the row at top, middle or bottom


setWidget(BBjGridExWidget widget!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Set the widget instance

ShowHeaderSelectionCheckbox! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true, selection box will be show on the first column's header When false, no checkbox will be displayed.
Note The first column can override this settings when it sets the tHeaderCheckboxSelection to true Note This option will ignore multi row selection option by default so it is always enabled

showLoadingOverlay() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Show loading overlay


showNoRowsOverlay() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Show 'no rows' overlay


ShowOnFocus! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

Displays suggestions on focus of the input element.

Note that if true, the MinLength option will be ignored and it will always call the resolver.

ShowSelectionCheckbox! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true, A selection box will be shown on the first column When false, no checkbox will be displayed.
Note The first column can override this settings when it sets the CheckboxSelection to true

Sidebar! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The grid sidebar

SingleClickEdit! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to enable Single Click Editing for cells, to start editing with a single click.

SkipHeaderOnAutoSize! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set this to true to skip the headerName when autoSize is called by default


Sort! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to 'asc' or 'desc' to sort by this column by default.


SORT_ASC() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Get sort direction constant

SORT_DESC() - method in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Get sort direction constant

Sortable! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true to allow sorting on this column.


sortColumn(BBjString column!, BBjString direction!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Sort the given column with the given direction


Start! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel

Start row id or index

startNextCellEditing() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Navigates the grid focus to the next cell, as if tabbing.


startPreviousCellEditing() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Navigates the grid focus to the previous cell, as if shift-tabbing.


STARTS_WITH() - method in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterTextFilterOptions

Statusbar! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The grid statusbar

Step! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicNumber

The increment / decrement step

stopEditing() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Stop editing and accepts changes


stopEditing(BBjNumber cancel!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Stop Editing


StopEditingWhenGridLosesFocus! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set this to true to stop cell editing when grid loses focus. The default is the grid stays editing until focus goes onto another cell. For inline (non-popup) editors only.

SubMenu! - field in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

if this menu is a submenu, contains a list of submenu item definitions

Suffix! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionStringsFormatter

A suffix to append to the value after it is formatted

Suffix! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

A suffix to append to the value after it is formatted

SuggestionGroupTemplate! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

An HTML template to be used for rendering the suggestion groups


 template! = "
<%= groupName %>
" editor!.setSuggestionItemTemplate(template!)

SuggestionItemTemplate! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

An HTML template to be used for rendering the suggestion items


 template! = "
<%= item.label %> - <%= item.value %> - <%= item.group %>
" editor!.setSuggestionItemTemplate(template!)

supportsCombinedModel() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Check if the filter supported the combined model

supportsCombinedModel() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterCombinedModel

supportsCombinedModel() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterTextModel

supportsCombinedModel() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterNumberModel

supportsCombinedModel() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterDateTimeModel

supportsCombinedModel() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterBooleanModel

supportsCombinedModel() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

SuppressAggAtRootLevel! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true, the aggregations won't be computed for root node of the grid

SuppressAggFuncInHeader! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true, column headers won't include the aggFunc, eg 'sum(Bank Balance)' will just be 'Bank Balance'.

SuppressAndOrCondition! - field in class GxFilters.GxColumnFilterAG

If true, the filter will only offer Condition 1.

SuppressAndOrCondition! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicDateTime

If true, the filter will only offer Condition 1.

SuppressAnimationFrame! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true, the grid will not use animation frames when drawing rows while scrolling. Use this if the grid is working fast enough that you don't need animations frame and you don't want the grid to flicker.

SuppressAutoSize! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Suppresses auto-sizing columns for columns. In other words, double-clicking a column header's edge will not auto-size.Default is false

suppressBuiDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView.

Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in BUI context

By default this options is set to "0"

SuppressBuiDebouncing! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView.

Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in BUI context

By default this options is set to "0"

SuppressCellSelection! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, cells won't be selectable. This means cells will not get keyboard focus when you click on them. Default: false

SuppressChartRanges! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Normally when a chart is displayed using the grid, the grid will highlight the range the chart is charting when the chart gets focus, to suppress this behaviour, set the field to false

SuppressClickEdit! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true so that neither single or double-click starts editing.

SuppressColumnExpandAll! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

suppress Expand / Collapse all widget.

SuppressColumnFilter! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

suppress Column Filter section.

SuppressColumnMove! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

Suppress Column Move section

SuppressColumnMoveAnimation! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, the ag-column-moving class is not added to the grid while columns are moving. In the default themes, this transpires to no animation for moving columns.

SuppressColumnSelectAll! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

suppress Select / Un-select all widget.

SuppressColumnVirtualisation! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true so that the grid doesn't virtualize the columns. S o if you have 100 columns, but only 10 visible due to scrolling, all 100 will always be rendered.


SuppressConsole! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLogger

When true , the logger will not output messages in the console

SuppressContextMenu! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to not show context menu. Use if you don't want to use the default 'right click' context menu.

SuppressCount! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

When true show row counts, hide otherwise

suppressDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Suppress scripts debouncing for GUI and BUI

SuppressDebugFile! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLogger

When true , the logger will not output messages in debug file

SuppressDoubleClickExpand! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererGroupCellRenderer

When true disable double-click for expand, enable otherwise

SuppressDragLeaveHidesColumns! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, when you drag a column out of the grid (eg to the group zone) the column is not hidden.

suppressExpandAll! - field in class GxSidebar.GxFiltersToolpanel

To suppress Expand / Collapse All

SuppressFilterSearch! - field in class GxSidebar.GxFiltersToolpanel

To suppress the Filter Search

SuppressFiltersToolPanel! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

Set to true if you do not want this column (filter) or group (filter group) to appear in the Filters Tool Panel.


suppressGuiDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView.

Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in GUI context

By default this options is set to "1"

SuppressGuiDebouncing! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView.

Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in GUI context

By default this options is set to "1"

SuppressHorizontalScroll! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to never show the horizontal scroll.

SuppressLoadingOverlay! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Disables the 'loading' overlay.

SuppressMaintainUnsortedOrder! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to suppress sorting of un-sorted data to match original row data

SuppressMakeVisibleAfterUnGroup! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

By default when a column is un-grouped, it is made visible. This property stops the column becoming visible again when un-grouping.

SuppressMenu! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true if no menu should be shown for this column header.


SuppressMenuHide! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to always show the column menu button, rather than only showing when the mouse is over the column header.

SuppressMiddleClickScrolls! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, then middle clicks will result in 'click' events for cell and row. Otherwise the browser will use middle click to scroll the grid.

SuppressMiniFilter! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

Set to true to hide the mini filter.

SuppressMovable! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true if you do not want this column to be movable via dragging.


SuppressMovableColumns! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to suppress column moving. In other words, set to true to make the columns fixed position.

SuppressMultiRangeSelection! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Enable / disable one range selection even if ctrl key is held down


SuppressMultiSort! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to suppress multi-sort when the user shift-clicks a column header.

SuppressNavigable! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true if this col is not navigable (ie cannot be tabbed into), otherwise false.


SuppressNoRowsOverlay! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Disables the 'no rows' overlay.

SuppressPivotMode! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

suppress Pivot Mode section.

SuppressPivots! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

suppress Column Labels (Pivot) section.

SuppressRemoveEntries! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

Set to true to stop the filter from removing values that are no longer available (like what Excel does).

since version 1.7.0. This option has been deprecated with no replacement.

SuppressRowClickSelection! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, rows will not be deselected if you hold down Ctrl and click the row or press Space.

SuppressRowDeselection! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

If true, rows will not be deselected if you hold down Ctrl and click the row or press Space.

SuppressRowGroups! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

Suppress Row Groups section.

SuppressRowHoverHighlight! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to not highlight rows by adding the ag-row-hover CSS class.

SuppressRowTransform! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Uses CSS top instead of CSS transform for positioning rows.

Useful if the transform function is causing issues such as used in row spanning. Default: false


SuppressScrollOnNewData! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true, the grid will not scroll to the top when new row data is provided. Use this if you don't want the default behaviour of scrolling to the top every time you load new data.

SuppressSelectAll! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

Set to true to remove the "select all" checkbox.

SuppressSetColumnStateEvents! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to suppress column events being raised when state is changed throw the API methods

SuppressSizeToFit! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true if you want this columns width to be fixed during 'size to fit' operation.


SuppressSorting! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

If true, sorting will not be done on the set filter values. Use this if providing your own values and don't want them sorted as you are providing in the order you want.

SuppressSuggestionOnInvalidInput! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

When true , then the suggestion will not be triggered for invalid inputs

SuppressSyncLayoutWithGrid! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

Suppress updating the layout of columns as they are rearranged in the grid

SuppressSyncLayoutWithGrid! - field in class GxSidebar.GxFiltersToolpanel

Suppress updating the layout of columns as they are rearranged in the grid

SuppressSyncValuesAfterDataChange! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

Set to true to have the values inside the set filter NOT refresh after values are changed inside the grid.

SuppressToolPanel! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

Set to true if you do not want this column or group to appear in the tool panel.


SuppressTouch! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Disables touch support (but does not remove the browsers efforts to simulate mouse events on touch).

SuppressValues! - field in class GxSidebar.GxColumnsToolpanel

suppress Values section

suppressWebDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView.

Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in BUI & DWC context

By default this options is set to "0"

SuppressWebDebouncing! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView.

Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in BUI & DWC context

By default this options is set to "0"

SWITCH_RENDERER() - method in class GxRenderers.GxRendererBoolean

A special html string which uses the switch button to render true/false values


tabToNextCell() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Navigates the grid focus to the next cell, as if tabbing.


tabToPreviousCell() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Navigates the grid focus to the previous cell, as if shift-tabbing.


Template! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererCustomHTML

String template which will be compiled in the client.

 <%= '' + (params.valueFormatted || params.value) + '' %>

Term! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestionResolver

The search term

Theme! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set the grid theme


Timezone! - field in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

The date / timezone timezone to use.

Title! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicText

The input title , when null and the textMask options is defined , then we use the mask as title , when set to default we the browser's default title , other wise the value defined in this option

Title! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

The input title , when set to null() or "default" then we use the browser's default title , other wise the value defined in this option

ToolPanelClass! - field in class GxColumns.GxColumnDefinition

CSS class(es) to use for the tool panel cell.


Toolpanels! - field in class GxSidebar.GxSidebar

A map for the registered toolpanels

Tooltip! - field in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Optional tooltip for the menu item

TooltipField! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

The field of the tooltip to apply to the cell.


TooltipShowDelay! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

The delay in milliseconds that it takes for tooltips to show up once an element is hovered.

Note: This property does not work if enableBrowserTooltips is true.

TooltipValueGetterExpression! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

A Grid expression which can be executed to return the tooltip value to display for each cell.


toString() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

Convert row to string

toString() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientColumnModel

Convert column to string

toString() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenu

Convert the menu to a JSON string

toString() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItemInterface

Convert the item to String

toString() - method in class GxContextMenu.GxContextMenuItem

Convert the item to String

toString() - method in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionInterface

Get the expression as string

toString() - method in class GxExpressions.GxExpression

toString() - method in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionStringsFormatter

toString() - method in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionNumbersFormatter

toString() - method in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionBytesFormatter

toString() - method in class GxExpressions.GxExpressionDateTimesFormatter

toString() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxState

toString() - method in class GxStatusBar.GxStatusBar

Convert the statusbar into a parsable json string

TreeData! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Enable / Disable Tree Data mode

TrueValue! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean

True value translation

TrueValue! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererBoolean

The value to use when when the component needs to render true values. in case it is null() then we use the first item in PossibleTrueValues!

Type! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

The type of chart to create

Type! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSimpleModel

One of the filter options

Type! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

The Field Type.


Note : Not all sql types are supported, for example it does not make sense to declare a colum type as STRUCT.

TYPE_AREA() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define area chart

TYPE_DOUGHNUT() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define doughnut chart

TYPE_GROUPEDBAR() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define groupedBar chart

TYPE_GROUPEDCOLUMN() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define groupedColumn chart

TYPE_LINE() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define line chart

TYPE_NORMALIZEDAREA() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define normalizedArea chart

TYPE_NORMALIZEDBAR() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define normalizedBar chart

TYPE_NORMALIZEDCOLUMN() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define normalizedColumn chart

TYPE_PIE() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define pie chart

TYPE_STACKEDAREA() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define stackedArea chart

TYPE_STACKEDBAR() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define stackedBar chart

TYPE_STACKEDCOLUMN() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientAddRangeChartModel

Constant value to define stackedColumn chart


unselectValue(BBjString value!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Unselects a value


unselectValue(BBjNumber value!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

Unselects a value


UnSortIcon! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Set to true if you want the unsorted icon to be shown when no sort is applied to this column.


UnSortIcon! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

Set to true to show the 'no sort' icon.

update(DataRow row!) - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

Update a row

update() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterModel

Update the filter on the client and execute it.

update() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterAbstractModel

Update the filter on the client and execute it.

update(HashMap meta!, GxDefaultColumnDefinition defaultDefinition!) - method in class GxColumns.GxColumn

Update the column definition from a meta map

Update! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

An array of rows to update

updateColumns() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Re-render the column definitions on the client.


The method will collect the new changes in columns and column groups and force the client to reflect the change.

updateContext() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Force the context object update

updateData(ResultSet rs!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Feed the grid with a new ResultSet

Unlike the setData method, this one will update the grid with a new rows set(ResultSet) without doing a full re-render. The column definition will not be synced from the passed ResultSet in this case.

Use this method in case you want to replace the whole data in the grid at once. Please note that All row and range selection will be lost.


updateFromClientRow() - method in class GxClientModels.GxClientRowModel

The method will merge the row data coming from the client with the current DataRow.

updateRow(DataRow row!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Update row data


updateRow(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.BBjGridExWidget

Update row data


UseCtrlForMultiSort! - field in class GxOptions.GxOptions

When true , then the user will be able to sort by multiple columns by holding down the ctrl key (or Command key on Apple) while clicking the column header. By default this action is possible using the shift key.

UsedFalseValue! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBoolean

The value to use when when the component needs to return a false value. in case it is null() then we use the first item in PossibleFalseValues!

UsedFalseValue! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

The value to use when when the component needs to return a false value.

UsedFalseValue! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

The value to use when when the component needs to return a false value.

UsedFalseValue! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean

The value to use when when the component needs to render false values. in case it is null() then we use the first item in PossibleFalseValues!

UsedNoneValue! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

The value to use when when the component needs to return a none/empty/null value. in case it is null() , then the none option will be hidden from the rendered list

UsedNoneValue! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

The value to use when when the component needs to return a none/empty/null value. in case it is null() , then the none option will be hidden from the rendered list

UsedTrueValue! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBoolean

The value to use when when the component needs to return a true value. in case it is null() then we use the first item in PossibleTrueValues!

UsedTrueValue! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanSelect

The value to use when when the component needs to return a true value.

UsedTrueValue! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorBasicBooleanRichSelect

The value to use when when the component needs to return a true value.

UsedTrueValue! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterBasicBoolean

The value to use when when the component needs to render true values. in case it is null() then we use the first item in PossibleTrueValues!

UserFormatter! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorText

If set to true then the grid will use the provided cell formatter if one is provided.


Value! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientCellModel

The cell's value

ValueFormatterExpression! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

An Ag Grid expression which can be executed to format the value for display.


ValueGetterExpression! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

An Ag Grid expression which can be executed before getting the value from your data for display


ValueParserExpression! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

An Ag Grid expression which can be executed to parse the value for saving.


Values! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSelect

An array of values to allow the user to select from

Values! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterSetFilterModel

The values to display in the filter. If this is not set, then the filter will takes its values from what is loaded in the table. Setting it allows you to set values where the value may not be present in the list for example, if you want to show all states in America so that the user is not confused by missing states, even though states are missing from the data set in the grid

Values! - field in class GxFilters.GxFilterSetFilter

The values to display in the filter. If this is not set, then the filter will takes its values from what is loaded in the table. Setting it allows you to set values where the value may not be present in the list (for example, if you want to show all states in America so that the user is not confused by missing states, even though states are missing from the data set in the grid)

ValueSetterExpression! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

An Ag Grid expression which can be executed before setting the value into your data for saving.



warn(BBjString section!, BBjString message!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLogger

Output a warning message on the console and Debug.log file

warn(BBjString message!) - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLogger

Output a warning message on the console and Debug.log file

WARNING() - method in class BBjGridExWidget.GxLogger

Constant value to define "warning" log messages

Widget! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientTransactionModel

BBjGridExWidget instance

Widget! - field in class GxClientModels.GxClientFilterAbstractModel

BBjGridExWidget instance

Widget! - field in class BBjGridExWidget.GxExecutor

The widget instance

Width! - field in class GxCellEditors.GxCellEditorSuggestion

Setup the suggestion list width in pixels

Width! - field in class GxColumns.GxDefaultColumnDefinition

Initial width in pixels


Note: setting the width to zero will not hide the column, use setHidden() instead. And if the width is null() this means the grid will auto set the width for this column

Width! - field in class GxRenderers.GxRendererImageRenderer

The image's width