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Columns Spanning

By default, each cell will take up the width of one column. You can change this behaviour to allow cells to span multiple columns. This feature is similar to cell merging in Excel or column spanning in HTML tables.

Configuring Column Spanning

Column spanning is configured at the column level. To have a cell span more than one column, you need to set the ColumnSpanExpression , the expression must return how many columns to span.


An ColumnSpanExpression is arbitrary JavaScript code/expression that applies application-defined rules to check how many columns to span. The expression must return a number value to indicate the number of columns to span.

When working with expressions keep the following points in mind:

  • If the expression has the word return in it, then we will assume it is a multi-line expression and will not wrap it.
  • If the expression does not have the word return in it, then we will insert the return statement and the ; for you.
  • If the expression has many lines, then you will need to provide the ; at the end of each line and also provide the return statement.

Expressions have access to several predefined variables:

xMapped from cell value
valueSame as x
dataMapped from the DataRow
columnCurrent column
columnGroupCurrent column group
getValueThe value after it is processed by the ValueGetterExpression
ctxThe grid client context

For instance

column!.setColumnSpanExpression("data.COLUMN_NAME === 'Q1' ? 6 : 1)")

Column Spanning Example

Column spanning will typically be used for creating reports with BBjGridExWidget. Below is something that would be more typical of the column spanning feature.

The following can be noted from the example:

  • The data is formatted in a certain way, it is not intended for the user to sort this data or reorder the columns.
  • The dataset has meta-data inside it, the data.section attribute. This meta-data, provided by the application, is used in the grid configuration in order to set the column spans and the background colors.
use ::BBjGridExWidget/BBjGridExWidget.bbj::BBjGridExWidgetuse ::BBjGridExWidget/Demo/assets/Utilities.bbj::GxDemoUtilitiesuse ::BBjGridExWidget/GxRenderers.bbj::GxRendererCustomHTMLuse com.basiscomponents.db.ResultSetuse com.basiscomponents.bc.SqlQueryBCuse auto BBjTopLevelWindow wnd!wnd! = BBjAPI().openSysGui("X0").addWindow(10,10,800,600,"Column Spanning Demo")wnd!.setCallback(BBjAPI.ON_CLOSE,"byebye")gosub mainprocess_eventsmain:  declare ResultSet rs!  declare BBjGridExWidget grid!  rs! = ResultSet.fromJson(GxDemoUtilities.readAssetsAsString("data/column-span.json"))  grid! = new BBjGridExWidget(wnd!,100,0,0,800,600)  grid!.getSidebar().setHiddenByDefault(1)  defaultColDef! = grid!.getOptions().getDefaultColumnDefinition()  defaultColDef!.setSortable(0)  defaultColDef!.setSuppressMenu(1)  grid!.setData(rs!)  grid!.setFitToGrid()  cellClassRules! = new JsonObject()  cellClassRules!.addProperty("header-cell","data.Section === 'big-title'")  cellClassRules!.addProperty("quarters-cell","data.Section === 'quarters'")  janColumn! = grid!.getColumn("Jan")  janColumn!.setColumnSpanExpression("data.Section === 'big-title' ? 6 : (data.Section === 'quarters' ? 3 : 1)")  janColumn!.setCellClassRules(cellClassRules!)  aprColumn! = grid!.getColumn("Apr")  aprColumn!.setColumnSpanExpression("data.Section === 'quarters' ? 3 : 1")  aprColumn!.setCellClassRules(cellClassRules!)  sectionColumn! = grid!.getColumn("Section")  sectionColumn!.setLockVisible(1)  sectionColumn!.setHidden(1)  headerCellStyle! = new JsonObject()  headerCellStyle!.addProperty("background","#1E88E5")  headerCellStyle!.addProperty("color","white")  headerCellStyle!.addProperty("font-size","25px")  headerCellStyle!.addProperty("font-weight","bold")  headerCellStyle!.addProperty("display","flex")  headerCellStyle!.addProperty("justify-content","center")  grid!.addStyle(".header-cell", headerCellStyle!)  quartersCellStyle! = new JsonObject()  quartersCellStyle!.addProperty("background","#42A5F5")  quartersCellStyle!.addProperty("color","white")  quartersCellStyle!.addProperty("font-weight","bold")  grid!.addStyle(".quarters-cell", quartersCellStyle!)returnbyebye:bye

BBjGridExWidget - Column Spanning